Section: Application Domains
Numerical analysis of FV methods
We wish to design and analyze new numerical schemes, mostly in the FV framework. For hyperbolic systems the theory is well-advanced, but there remain many challenging questions, of crucial relevance for the applications:
While the general FV framework is clear for conservation laws, the design of numerical fluxes and the discussion of stability issues can be “application-dependent”. In particular, we wish to use the underlying microscopic description of particulate and mixtures flows to design dedicated kinetic schemes.
Stability issues become more intricate when we try to increase the consistency accuracy and when we deal with complex meshes. For instance preserving positivity of certain fields could be absolutely crucial not only for physical reasons, but also to preserve the stability of the simulation of a coupled system. We will therefore continue our work on MUSCL-like methods working on vertex-based discretization, with limiters defined by using multislope analysis.
Finally, source terms have to be considered appropriately, in particular in order to preserve equilibrium states and to capture correct asymptotic regimes. It requires to UpWind the numerical fluxes by taking into account the source terms. Among others, we are particularly interested in Asymptotic High Order (AHO) schemes.
Besides, the conception of new methods based on Finite Volume discretizations for diffusion has known very intense activities after pioneering works at the beginning of the '00s. The FV framework, dealing with very general meshes, is very appropriate to deal with complex flows in highly heterogeneous media. The difficulty consists in defining additional unknowns to evaluate diffusion fluxes on the interfaces of the control volumes: using as unique numerical unknown the cell average of the continuous unknown requires unrealistic conditions on the mesh geometry. We are highly involved in the developments of such methods, which are strongly motivated by industrial needs (and our research is enhanced by a 12 years-long experience in the industrial context). We plan to investigate in particular the VAG (Vertex Approximate Gradient) method, based on cell center discretizations involving additional unknowns stored at the vertices, and the DDFV (Discrete Duality Finite Volume) method, which uses a dual mesh.