Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
In 2011/12, S. Krell and T. Goudon, with A. Gloria, have worked on the development of homogenization methods for the simulation of the transport of radionucleides in porous media. A new numerical method has been proposed, based on Reduced Basis techniques which allows efficient computation of the (space-dependent) effective coefficients. In 2012/13 we start a new collaboration devoted to the modeling and simulation of ventilation devices in nuclear waste disposal. This is a long–term project (with the PhD of Y. Zhang) which aims at solving numerically systems of PDEs describing mass and heat transfer between porous media and ventilation channels. Generally speaking ANDRA has strong needs of numerical tools for simulating transient water/gas flows (with typical applications to understand gas flows emanating from corroded confining devices in nuclear waste disposal and mass/heat exchanges in circulation channels). The performances and flexibility of the commercial code Tough2 are definitely too restricted. It is likely that fostering the skills of several Inria teams working on these topics can be decisive to design new two-phase codes using modern schemes and complex meshes, with domain decomposition methods and parallel procedures.
We work on the simulation of two-phase flows described by Eulerian/Lagrangian models. To this end, A. Champmartin develops a new semi-Lagrangian algorithm for fluid-kinetic coupling, in collaboration with CEA/DAM and the LRC Manon.
GDFSuez EP-Storengy - (Contract with UNS-CNRS)
The collaboration is devoted to the control of rock permeability by polymer injections, and to the simulation of flows in tight rocks, with weak permeabilities. These questions lead to consider highly heterogeneous and fractured media; in turn simulations should use highly unstructured meshes. During her post-doc, C. Guichard develops new methods for diphasic flows in porous media, with application to tight gas and gas stockage.
TOTAL (Contract with UNS-CNRS)
R. Masson is scientific consultant of the recently created team “Nouveau Simulateur de Réservoir”, led by B. Faissat. The team is concerned with the development of new research codes for oil recovery problems, based on FV methods. Through the post doc of W. Kherriji, we develop new domain decomposition algorithm for the simulation of oil recovery, with local refinement, both in time and space. C. Guichard works on Finite Volumes methods on unstructured meshes.