

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: Christophe Alias gave a L3 course on “Introduction to compilation” at ENSI Bourges and a L2 lab on “Architecture des ordinateurs” at Université Lyon 1. Laure Gonnord has a full teaching activity in Polytech'Lille where she teaches algorithmics, compilation, and basics of hardware.

  • Master 1: Christophe Alias gave a Master 1 course on “Compilation” at ENS-Lyon.

  • Master 2: Alain Darte gave a full Master 2 course on “Advanced compilation and program optimizations” at ENS-Lyon.

  • Master 1 and 2: Christophe Alias is organizer of the Winter Master School “Vérification et certification du logiciel” that was held in January 2012 at ENS-Lyon, as part of the Master of ENS-Lyon.

  • Internships: Laure Gonnord and Christophe Alias co-supervised the undergraduate internship of Jean-Marie Vincenti, from the Engineering School Polytech'Lille. This internship lasted two months, from June 2012 to July 2012. The topic was about graphical visualization and step-by-step debugging of communicating processes described with an execution trace. Alain Darte advised the M2 internship of Alexandre Isoard on the parametric tiled kernel offloading (see Section  6.5 ).


  • PhD in progress: Guillaume Iooss, “Semantic program transformations in the polyhedral model”, started in September 2011, at ENS-Lyon and Colorado State University. Advisors: Christophe Alias, Alain Darte, Sanjay Rajopadhye (Colorado State University).

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Isoard, “Optimization of remote communications”, started in September 2012, at ENS-Lyon. Advisors: Christophe Alias, Alain Darte.

  • PhD: Quentin Colombet, “Decoupled (SSA-based) Register Allocators: from Theory to Practice, Coping with Just-In-Time Compilation and Embedded Processors Constraints” [1] , ENS-Lyon, December 7, 2012. Advisors: Alain Darte, Fabrice Rastello.

  • HdR: Fabrice Rastello, “On Sparse Intermediate Representations: Some Structural Properties and Applications to Just In Time Compilation” [2] , ENS-Lyon, December 7, 2012.


  • Fabrice Rastello was member of the jury for Artur Pietrek's PhD thesis (Verimag, Université Joseph Fourier), defended December 2, 2012.

  • Paul Feautrier is one of the referees for Stephane Mancini's HdR (TIMA, Grenoble), to be defended February 19, 2013.

  • Alain Darte was reviewer of Mehdi Amini's PhD thesis (Ecole nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris), defended December 13, 2012, and entitled “Source-to-Source Automatic Program Transformations for GPU-like Hardware Accelerators”.

  • As co-advisors, Alain Darte and Fabrice Rastello were of course part of the jury of Quentin Colombet's PhD thesis [1] , defended December 7, 2012, at ENS-Lyon, and entitled “Decoupled (SSA-based) Register Allocators: From Theory to Practice, Coping with Just-In-Time Compilation and Embedded Processors Constraints”.

  • Alain Darte was part of the jury of Fabrice Rastello's HdR thesis [2] , defended December 7, 2012, at ENS-Lyon, and entitled “On Sparse Intermediate Representations: Some Structural Properties and Applications to Just-In-Time Compilation”.