Section: Software
Participants : Christophe Alias, Alexandru Plesco [Compsys/Zettice] .
IceBuilder is the HLS tool to be transferred in the start-up Zettice. It is a compiler, whose input is a C program annotated with pragmas, and whose output is an equivalent hardware description as synthesizable VHDL. Also, IceBuilder produces a non-synthesizable SystemC description for debugging purpose. As for any compiler, IceBuilder consists into two steps: (i) a front-end, which generates an intermediate representation from the C program, and (ii) a back-end, which translates the intermediate representation into hardware. The intermediate representation of IceBuilder is a data-aware process network (DPN) (see Section 6.3 ). The front-end does most of the high-level optimizations (communication pipelining, buffer sizing, datapath pipeline scheduling), which are explicitly represented in the DPN. The front-end is implemented as a separate tool, Dcc, so as to be reused with different targets, for instance GPGPUs. Then, the back-end generates the hardware implementation of the DPN. It produces and connects the required buffers, multiplexors, demultiplexors, synchronization channels, finite-state machines, and datapaths.
IceBuilder represents more than 3000 lines of C++ code.