Section: New Results
Enhancing the Compilation of Synchronous Data-Flow Languages
Participants : Paul Feautrier, Abdoulaye Gamatié [LIFL] , Laure Gonnord [Compsys/LIFL] .
In [25] a new (light) numerical-Boolean abstraction was proposed for an efficient static analysis of synchronous programs that describe multi-clock embedded systems in the language Signal. In this abstraction, relations between clocks and numerical variables are modeled by Boolean-affine formulas. These formulas can easily be extracted from the program text. From the results of a satisfiability test of these formulas, clock properties can be deduced, which, when submitted to the Signal compiler, may improve the resulting target program.
In collaboration with Abdoulaye Gamatié, we proposed an extension of the previous approach to modular programs. This extension necessitates the use of an extended SMT (satisfiability modulo theory) solver – able for instance to deal with quantifier elimination – which has been implemented by Paul Feautrier by reusing some of the Syntol tools. This work is still unpublished but will be soon submitted to a journal.