Section: Scientific Foundations

Parallel and Distributed Verification

Exploiting large-scale high-performance computers is a promising way to augment the capabilities of formal verification. The underlying problems are far from trivial, making the correct design, implementation, fine-tuning, and benchmarking of parallel and distributed verification algorithms long-term and difficult activities. Sequential verification algorithms cannot be reused as such for this task: they are inherently complex, and their existing implementations reflect several years of optimizations and enhancements. To obtain good speedup and scalability, it is necessary to invent new parallel and distributed algorithms rather than to attempt a parallelization of existing sequential ones. We seek to achieve this objective by working along two directions:

  • Rigorous design: Because of their high complexity, concurrent verification algorithms should themselves be subject to formal modeling and verification, as confirmed by recent trends in the certification of safety-critical applications. To facilitate the development of new parallel and distributed verification algorithms, we promote a rigorous approach based on formal methods and verification. Such algorithms will be first specified formally in LNT, then validated using existing model checking algorithms of the CADP toolbox. Second, parallel or distributed implementations of these algorithms will be generated automatically from the LNT specifications, enabling them to be experimented on large computing infrastructures, such as clusters and grids. As a side-effect, this “bootstrapping” approach would produce new verification tools that can later be used to self-verify their own design.

  • Performance optimization: In devising parallel and distributed verification algorithms, particular care must be taken to optimize performance. These algorithms will face concurrency issues at several levels: grids of heterogeneous clusters (architecture-independence of data, dynamic load balancing), clusters of homogeneous machines connected by a network (message-passing communication, detection of stable states), and multi-core machines (shared-memory communication, thread synchronization). We will seek to exploit the results achieved in the parallel and distributed computing field to improve performance when using thousands of machines by reducing the number of connections and the messages exchanged between the cooperating processes carrying out the verification task. Another important issue is the generalization of existing LTS representations (explicit, implicit, distributed) in order to make them fully interoperable, such that compilers and verification tools can handle these models transparently.