Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


CONVECS is a host team for the computer science master entitled “Mathématiques, Informatique, spécialité : Systèmes et Logiciels”, common to Grenoble INP and University Joseph Fourier.

In 2012, we carried out the following teaching activities:

  • H. Evrard served as a teaching assistant in a course on “Algorithmique et structures de données”, given by Frédéric Wagner to the first year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (18 hours).

  • H. Evrard served as a teaching assistant in a course on “Introduction aux réseaux de communication”, given by Roland Groz to the first year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (18 hours).

  • H. Evrard served as a teaching assistant in a course on “Systèmes d'exploitation et programmation concurrente”, given by Yves Denneulin to the first year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (18 hours).

  • H. Garavel created a block course entitled “Advanced Concurrency Theory” for the bachelor and master students of Saarland University (4 ECTS credits, assistant: Alexander Graf-Brill).

  • A. Kriouile served as a teaching assistant in a course on “Conception de circuits et architecture des ordinateurs”, given by Frédéric Pétrot to the first year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (18 hours).

  • F. Lang and W. Serwe gave, jointly with Pascal Raymond (CNRS, Verimag), a course on “Méthodes formelles de développement” to the computer science engineering students of CNAM (“Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers”) Grenoble (27 hours).

  • F. Lang and W. Serwe gave a course on “Spécification et vérification de systèmes concurrents et temps-réel” to the third year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (18 hours).

  • G. Salaün gave lectures on “Algorithmics and Object-Oriented Programming” to the 2nd year computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (36 hours).

  • G. Salaün is co-responsible of the ISI (Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information) department of ENSIMAG since September 1, 2011.


  • G. Salaün was a panel member for Jose Antonio Martin Baena's PhD thesis, entitled “Secure Adaptation of Software Services”, defended at the University of Málaga, Spain, on July 24, 2012.

  • W. Serwe was a core committee / reading committee member of F. P. M. Stapper's PhD thesis, entitled “Bridging Formal Methods: An Engineering Perspective”, defended at the Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands, on November 8, 2012.