DANTE - 2012



Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Teaching by Eric Fleury

Eric Fleury is a professor at ENS Lyon in the Computer Science Department since 2007. Since 2009 he is the head of the department of computer science . ENS de Lyon is one of the four Écoles normales supérieures in France.

  • Licence : "Introduction to Algorithm" (L3), ENS de Lyon, France

  • Licence : "Architecture, System and Networking" (L3), ENS de Lyon, France

Teaching by Thomas Begin

Thomas Begin is an Assistant Professor at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 in the Computer Science since 2009. He mostly lectures at the University, though he has a teaching activity at ENS Lyon as well.

  • Licence : "Networks" (L3), University Lyon 1, France

  • Master : "Networking" (M1), University Lyon 1, France

  • Master : "Advanced Networks" (M2), University Lyon 1, France

  • Master : "Performance Evaluation of Green Networks" (M2), ENS de Lyon, France

Teaching by Paulo Gonçalves
  • Master : Responsible for the teaching axis “Models and Optimization for Emergent Infrastructure". M1/M2 of the Department of Computer Sciences at ENS Lyon (Informatique fondamentale)

  • Eng. school : "Introduction to Compressive Sensing" (5th year), CPE Lyon, France

Teaching by Christophe Crespelle

Christophe Crespelle is an Assistant Professor at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) in the Computer Science department since 2010. He mostly lectures at UCBL, though he has a teaching activity at ENS Lyon as well.

  • Licence : "Programming" (L2), UCBL, France

  • Master : "Network Security Architecture" (M2), UCBL, France

  • Master : "Security" (M2), UCBL, France

  • Master : "Future Networks" (M2), UCBL, France

  • Master : "Complex Networks" (M2), ENS Lyon, France

Teaching by Isabelle Guérin Lassous

Isabelle Guérin Lassous is an Professor at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 in the Computer Science since 2006. She mostly lectures at the University, though she has a teaching activity at ENS Lyon as well. Isabelle Guérin Lassous also heads the Networking speciality of the Master in computer science of University Lyon 1.

  • Master : "QoS and multimedia networking applications" (M2), University Lyon 1, France

  • Master : "Networking" (M2), University Lyon 1, France

  • Master : "Wireless Networks" (M2), University Lyon 1, France

  • Master : "Ad Hoc Networks" (M1), University Lyon 1, France

  • Master : "Network Algorithms" (M1), ENS de Lyon, France


  • PhD : Adrien Friggeri, A Quantitative Theory of Social Cohesion, ENS de Lyon, August 2012, Éric Fleury & Guillaume Chelius

  • PhD : Qinna Wang, Overlapping community detection in dynamic networks , ENS de Lyon, April 2012, Éric Fleury

  • PhD : Doreid Ammar, Knowledge Plane for Semantic Networks: Application to Admission Control, University Lyon 1, December 2012, Isabelle Guérin-Lassous & Thomas Begin

  • PhD : Van Nam Nguyen, Evaluation and improvment of the bandwidth use in 802.11-based multihop wireless networks, University Lyon 1, December 2012, Isabelle Guérin-Lassous & Victor Moraru (IFI, Vietnam)

  • PhD : Andreea Chis, Méthodes et outils pour la compilation et l'optimisation logicielles des systèmes embarqués sans fils dédiés à des applications, ENS de Lyon, January 2012, Éric Fleury & Antoine Fraboulet

  • PhD in progress : Lucie Martinet, iBird: Individual Based Investigation of Resistance Dissemination, September 2011, Éric Fleury & Christophe Crespelle

  • PhD in progress : Benjamin Girault, Ondelettes et graphe d'interactions dynamique : échelle temporelle et spatiale, September 2012, Éric Fleury & Paulo Gonçalves

  • PhD in progress : Thiago Abreu, Integration of Traffic Awareness in Substitution Networks, March 2011, Isabelle Guérin-Lassous & Thomas Begin

  • PhD in progress : Roy Shubhabrata, Measurements in the framework of Virtual Networks Development, October 2010, Paulo Gonçalves & Thomas Begin

  • PhD in progress: Marina Sokol, Clustering and learning techniques for traffic / users classification, October 2010, Philippe Nain (Inria MAESTRO) and Paulo Gonçalves. M. Sokol has interrupted her PhD and his currently on maternity leave (until October 2013).

  • PhD in progress: Elie Rotenberg, Complex Network Metrology, September 2010, Matthieu Latapy and Christophe Crespelle

  • PhD in progress: Anh Tuan GIANG, Modeling and Improving the Capacity of Vehicular Ad hoc network, April 2011, Anthony Busson (registered at University Paris XI).

  • PhD in progress: Sabrina Naimi, Mobility metrics in wireless mobile networks, September 2010, Véronique Vèque and Anthony Busson (registered at University Paris XI).


  • Eric Fleury was president of the HDR jury of Emmanuel Baccelli (UPMC, France).

  • Eric Fleury was president of the Ph. D. jury of Mikaila Toko Worou (Université de Nice - Inria Sophia Antipolis, France).

  • Eric Fleury was member of the Ph.D. jury and reviewer of DIANA Rémi (Université de Toulouse, France).

  • Eric Fleury was member of the Ph.D. jury of Afshin Moin (Université de Rennes, France).

  • Eric Fleury was member of the Ph.D. jury of Fabio Rocha-Jimenez-Vieira (UPMC, France).

  • Eric Fleury was member of the Ph.D. jury of Thomas Ferrandiz (ISAE, France).

  • Thomas Begin was member of the Ph.D. jury of El Hachemi Bendahmane (University of Grenoble, France).n

  • Paulo Gonçalves was member of the HDR jury of Sandrine Vaton (Telecom Bretagne, France).

  • Paulo Gonçalves was member of the Ph.D. jury of Jerôme Van Zaen (EPFL, Switzerland).

  • Christophe Crespelle was member of the Ph.D. jury of Massoud Seifi (UPMC, France).

  • Isabelle Guérin Lassous was the member of the jury of the second competition of ENS Cachan.

  • Isabelle Guérin Lassous was president of the HdR jury of Anne Fladenmuller (UPMC) and of the PhD juries of Bilel Romdhani (INSA Lyon) and Aruna Bianzino (Telecom ParisTech).

  • Isabelle Guérin Lassous was reviewer of the PhD juries of Giorgio Corbellini (Grenoble), Mauricio Ituralde (Toulouse), Scott McKenzie Raynel (University of Waikato, New Zealand) and Bafing Sambou (Toulouse).