Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

  • An industrial technological transfer contract is ongoing with the MXM company that develops cochlear implant and artificial lens implant. MXM can perform also Ethylene Oxyde sterilization necessary for all our experimental setups used during surgery. Two DSU prototypes (named Stim’3D and Stim’nD), one miniaturized DSU (named USR24*1000) and an external controler have been developed within this frame. The associated programming environment (SENIS Manager, cf. section 5.1.2) has also been developed in this context.

  • The contract with Vivaltis company that is specialized in the development of external stimulators, has been completed. We jointly developed a new advanced external FES system dedicated to clinical rehabilitation; this first wireless external stimulation architecture is now CE marked, and commercialized by Vivaltis.

    This work has been awarded by the 1st Prize 2012 of the FIEEC-OSEO on Applied Research.