Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Participant : Bruno Tuffin.
We coordinate an Inria Cooperative Research Action on Network Neutrality, called MENEUR (“Modélisation en Économie des rśeaux et NEUtRalité du Net”). This action runs over 2011–2012 with Inria teams MAESTRO and MESCAL, Orange Labs, ALU-Bell Labs France, Telecom Bretagne, FTW (Austria), Columbia University and Penn State University.
The goal of this project is to study the interest of network neutrality, a topic that has recently gained a lot of attention. The project aims at elaborating mathematical models that will be analyzed to investigate its impact on users, on social welfare and on providers' investment incentives, among others, and eventually propose how (and if) network neutrality should be implemented.
Participant : Bruno Tuffin.
We coordinate the ANR Verso CAPTURES: Competition Among Providers for Telecommunication Users: Rivalry and Earning Stakes.
ANR project Dec. 2008- Nov. 2012, in cooperation with Telecom Bretagne and France Telecom R&D.
The goal of this project is to deal with competition among providers in telecommunications. We need to study the distribution of customers among providers as a first level of game, and then to focus on a second higher level, the price and QoS war. See
Participants : Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, Gerardo Rubino.
VIPEER is a 3-year ANR project (end 2009-end 2012). VIPEER stands for Video Traffic Engineering in an Intra-Domain Context using Peer-to-Peer Paradigms. The VIPEER project proposes to develop a distributed Content Delivery Network (dCDN) that combines classic CDN technologies with P2P concepts. Our main application in the project is IPTV. Dionysos will mainly cover the QoE assessments activities of VIPEER. Our partners are Télécom Bretagne, Eurecom, Envivio, Orange Labs and NDS Technologies.