DISCO - 2012

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Overall Objectives


The goal of the project is to better understand and well formalize the effects of complex environments on the dynamics of the interconnections, as well as to develop new methods and techniques for the analysis and control of such systems.

It is well-known that the interconnection of dynamic systems has for consequence an increased complexity of the behavior of the “total” system both in the presence and absence of feedback control loops.

In a simplified way, as the concept of dynamics is well-understood, the interconnections can be seen as associations (by connections of materials or information flows) of distinct systems to ensure a pooling of the resources with the aim of obtaining a better operation with the constraint of continuity of the service in the event of a fault. In this context, the environment can be seen as a collection of elements, structures or systems, natural or artificial constituting the neighborhood of a given system. The development of interactive games through communication networks, control from distance (e.g. remote surgical operations) or in hostile environment (e.g. robots, drones), as well as the current trend of large scale integration of distribution (and/or transport and/or decision) and open information systems with systems of production, lead to new modeling schemes in problems where the dynamics of the environment have to be taken into account.

In order to tackle the control problems arising in the above examples, the team investigates new theoretical methods, develop new algorithms and implementations dedicated to these techniques.