DISCO - 2012

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Symbolic methods for developing new domain decomposition algorithms

Participants : Thomas Cluzeau [ENSIL, Univ. Limoges] , Victorita Dolean [Univ. Nice - Sophia-Antipolis] , Frédéric Nataf [CNRS, Paris 6] , Alban Quadrat.

Some algorithmic aspects of systems of partial differential equations based simulations can be better clarified by means of symbolic computation techniques. This is very important since numerical simulations heavily rely on solving systems of partial differential equations. For the large-scale problems we deal with in today's standard applications, it is necessary to rely on iterative Krylov methods that are scalable (i.e., weakly dependent on the number of degrees on freedom and number of subdomains) and have limited memory requirements. They are preconditioned by domain decomposition methods, incomplete factorizations and multigrid preconditioners. These techniques are well understood and efficient for scalar symmetric equations (e.g., Laplacian, biLaplacian) and to some extent for non-symmetric equations (e.g., convection-diffusion). But they have poor performances and lack robustness when used for symmetric systems of partial differential equations, and even more so for non-symmetric complex systems (fluid mechanics, porous media, ...). As a general rule, the study of iterative solvers for systems of partial differential equations as opposed to scalar partial differential equations is an underdeveloped subject. In [76] , we aim at building new robust and efficient solvers, such as domain decomposition methods and preconditioners for some linear and well-known systems of partial differential equations based on algebraic techniques (e.g., Smith normal forms, Gröbner basis techniques, D-modules).