DISCO - 2012

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Model of reaction networks

Participants : Georg Regensburger, Stefan Müller [RICAM, Linz] .

In [100] , we propose a notion of generalized mass action systems that could serve as a more realistic model for reaction networks in intracellular environments; classical mass action systems capture chemical reaction networks in homogeneous and dilute solutions. We show that several results of chemical reaction network theory carry over to the case of generalized mass action kinetics. Our main result gives conditions for the existence of a unique positive steady state for arbitrary initial conditions and independent of rate constants in this generalized setting. The conditions are formulated in terms of sign vectors (oriented matroids) of the stoichiometric and kinetic-order subspace and face lattices of related cones. We also give necessary and sufficient conditions for multistationarity, which is an important property in many applications, for example, in connection with cell differentiation.