Section: New Results
Modeling and control of Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Participants : José Luis Avila Alonso, Annabelle Ballesta [BANG project-team] , Frédéric Bonnans [COMMANDS project-team] , Catherine Bonnet, Jean Clairambault [BANG project-team] , Xavier Dupuis [COMMANDS project-team] , Pierre Hirsch [INSERM Paris (Team18 of UMR 872) Cordeliers Research Centre and St. Antoine Hospital, Paris] , Jean-Pierre Marie [INSERM Paris (Team18 of UMR 872) Cordeliers Research Centre and St. Antoine Hospital, Paris] , Faten Merhi [INSERM Paris (Team18 of UMR 872) Cordeliers Research Centre and St. Antoine Hospital, Paris] , Silviu Niculescu, Hitay Özbay [Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey] , Ruoping Tang [INSERM Paris (Team18 of UMR 872) Cordeliers Research Centre and St. Antoine Hospital, Paris] .
We have continued this year our work on modeling healthy and pathological hematopoiesis [36] . A. Ballesta has performed some experiments on patient fresh cell cultures in order to identify parameters of our model of acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML). To evaluate therapies, she also considered patient fresh cell cultures under anticancer drugs.