Section: Software


Choreography dataset

Participants : Olivier Mangin [correspondant] , Haylee Fogg.

This database contains choreography motions recorded through a kinect device. These motions have a combinatorial structure: from a given set of primitive dance motions, choreographies are constructed as simultaneous execution of some of these primitive motions. Primitive dance motions are chosen from a total set of 48 motions and are spanned over one or two limbs, either the legs (e.g. walk, squat), left or right arm (e.g. wave hand, punch) or both arms (e.g. clap in hands, paddle). Complex choreographies are produced as the simultaneous demonstration of two or three of these primitive motion: either one for legs and one for both arm, or one for legs and one for each arm. The dataset has been used in the experiments from [52] for studying learning techniques allowing to identify dictionaries of motion primitives, and is publicly available at https://flowers.inria.fr/choreography_database.html .