Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Christophe Collewet
Patrick Héas
Reviewing in IEEE trans. on Geosciences and Remote Sensing (TGRS) and in IEEE trans. on Image Processing (IP)
Dominique Heitz
Cédric Herzet
Organization commitee "Journées "Apprentissage et Parcimonie" October 2012
project reviewer for the "Fond National de la Recherche Scientique" (FNRS), Belgique
Etienne Mémin
Invited conference "Conf'luences" IMFT, Toulouse, April 2012.
Invited conference "Journée LEFE/MANU de l'INSU", ENS Paris, March 2012
Invited conference "Workshop on Tolopology in Fluid flow visualization", Pisa, June 2012
Reviewer for NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) Vici projects
Associate editor of the journal of Image and Vision Computing
Scientific committee and Organisation committee of the International Conference on Ensemble Methods in Geophysical Sciences, Toulouse, November 2012
Reviewing for Tellus-A, IEEE Im. Proc., IEEE trans. Pat. Anal. Mach. Intel. , Int. Journ. Comp. Vis., Im. Vis. Comp., Exp in Fluids, ECCV'12
Responsible of the "Commission Développement Technologique" Inria-IRISA Rennes