Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Laurent Busé
was a member of the program committee of the 2012 ISSAC international conference,
is a member of the committee of "agrégation de mathématiques".
Evelyne Hubert
is an associate editor of the Journal of Symbolic Computation ( ),
is part of the Advisory Board of the MEGA conference series and co-edited this year a special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation,
is part of the local Inria Committee for Invited Professors and Postodoctoral Fellows and was elected to the new hiring committee at the mathematics department of the University of Nice (CPRH 25-26-60).
Bernard Mourrain
is an associate editor of the Journal of Symbolic Computation ( ),
is member of the Advisory Board of the MEGA conference series,
is chair of the local Inria Committee for Courses and Conferences.