Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Laurent Busé teaching activities:
Master : Courbes et Surfaces, 42h ETD, first year of Master MAM4 of the EPU, University of Nice.
Master MDFI: Elimination theory, 13h, University of Luminy, Marseille.
Mathieu Collowald teaching activities:
L1 MASS : Statistics (Exercices), 20h, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.
L1 I : Algebra (Exercices), 44h, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.
André Galligo teaching activities:
Master : Introduction to random polynomials and matrices, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20h.
Bernard Mourrain teaching activities:
Master 2: Computational Algebra for Real Geometry 30h ETD, Master 2 of Mathematics, Lab. J.A. Dieudonné.
Master MDFI: Elimination theory, 15h, University of Luminy, Marseille.
Defended Habilitation thesis
Evelyne Hubert was awarded her habilitation in mathematics from the University of Nice in September 2012. The Jury consisted of Elizabeth Mansfield (University of Kent, UK), Michael Singer (North Carolina State University, USA), Emilio Musso (Politecnico de Turino, Italy), Pascal Chossat (University of Nice), Bruno Salvy (Inria Paris), Bernard Mourrain (Inria Méditerranée).
Ph.D. thesis in progress
Marta Abril Bucero, Moment matrices, real algebraic geometry and polynomial optimization. Advisor: Bernard Mourrain.
Mathieu Collowald, Integral representation of shapes for feature conservation or extraction. Advisors: Evelyne Hubert and Bernard Mourrain.
Abdallah Lachaal, Geometric computing with procedural models and applications. Advisor: Bernard Mourrain.
Valentin Michelet, Intersection courbe/surface au moyen des représentations matricielles , 3 months, Master1.
Baptiste Mourrain, A dynamic web application, 1 month, first year of engineer school.
Zora Abdoul Kaid, Isoparametrisation of multi-patch surfaces, 3 months, MAM4, Master1.
Rémy Abdeljalil, Adaptative approximation of point sets by T-splines surfaces, 3 months, MAM4, Master1.
Bernard Mourrain was member of the HDR of Evelyne Hubert, of the Ph.D. committee of R. Lebreton “Contribution à l'algorithmique détendue et à la résolution des systèmes polynomiaux”, École Polytechnique (11/12/2012), of the PhD of C. Preusakarn “Reconstructing of Plant Architecture from 3D Laser Scanner Data”, University of Montepellier 2, (19/12/2012).
André Galligo was a member of the PhD of Santiago Laplagne, "Algoritmos de Algebra Conmutativa en Anillos de Polinomios" University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Avpil 2012, of the PhD of Nelly Villamizar, "Algebraic Geometry of Splines". University of Oslo (Norway), December 2012.