Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

  • HIRESUBCOLOR, OSTST-CNES-NASA program. Partners: DYNBIO (LEGOS UMR CNRS 5565), LOCEAN, ICM-CSIC. Title: Multiscale methods for the evaluation of high resolution ocean surface velocities and subsurface dynamics from ocean color, SST and altimetry. We obtained a 1 year prolongation in 2012 from CNES. Coordinator: H. Yahia. Abstract: nonlinear signal processing methods for high resolution mapping of ocean dynamics. Duration: 2008-2012.

  • FIBAUR ARC: Fibrillation auriculaire: approches nouvelles pour l'analyse des signaux complexes du rythme cardiaque. Inria ARC, duration: 2011-2012. Partners: GEOSTAT, INSERM EA3668, SIGMA team (ESPCI).