Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

  • OCEANFLUX project, ESA (European Space Agency), Program: Support to Sicence Element ESRIN/AO/1-6668/11/I-AM, fund: E/0029-01-L. Partners: IWR (University of Heidelberg, Germany), GEOSTAT (Inria, France) , KIT (Karlsruher Institu fur Technologie, Germany), LEGOS (CNRS DR14, France), IRD (France), University Paul Sabatier (France). Duration: 2011-2013. Abstract: Mapping at high spatial resolution of GHGs exchange flux between ocean and atmosphere using model outputs and nonlinear techniques in signal processing. Coordinator: C. Garbe, Interdiscplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), University of Heidelberg.

  • PHC Volubilis. Title: Study of upwelling in the Moroccan coast by satellite imaging. Partners: GEOSTAT, Rabat University, CRTS. French coordinator: K. Daoudi. Abstract: multiscale methods for the characterization of coastal upwelling from remote sensing data. Duration: 2010-2012.