Major publications by the team in recent years
1M. Baboulin, D. Becker, J. Dongarra.
A Parallel Tiled Solver for Dense Symmetric Indefinite Systems on Multicore Architectures, in: Proceedings of IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2012), 2012, p. 14-24. -
2M. Baboulin, S. Gratton.
A contribution to the conditioning of the total least squares problem, in: SIAM J. Matrix Anal. and Appl., 2011, vol. 32, no 3, p. 685–699. -
3R. Bolze, F. Cappello, E. Caron, M. J. Daydé, F. Desprez, E. Jeannot, Y. Jégou, S. Lanteri, J. Leduc, N. Melab, G. Mornet, R. Namyst, P. Primet, B. Quétier, O. Richard, E.-G. Talbi, T. Irena.
Grid'5000: a large scale and highly reconfigurable experimental Grid testbed., in: International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, November 2006, vol. 20, no 4, p. 481-494. -
4A. Bouteiller, T. Hérault, G. Krawezik, P. Lemarinier, F. Cappello.
MPICH-V Project: a Multiprotocol Automatic Fault Tolerant MPI, in: International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2005, vol. 20, no 3, p. 319–333. -
5F. Cappello, S. Djilali, G. Fedak, T. Hérault, F. Magniette, V. Néri, O. Lodygensky.
Computing on Large Scale Distributed Systems: XtremWeb Architecture, Programming Models, Security, Tests and Convergence with Grid, in: FGCS Future Generation Computer Science, 2004. -
6G. Fursin, Y. Kashnikov, A. Memon, Z. Chamski, O. Temam, M. Namolaru, E. Yom-Tov, B. Mendelson, A. Zaks, E. Courtois, F. Bodin, P. Barnard, E. Ashton, E. Bonilla, J. Thomson, C. Williams, M. O'Boyle.
Milepost GCC: Machine Learning Enabled Self-tuning Compiler, in: International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2011, vol. 39, p. 296-327, 10.1007/s10766-010-0161-2.
http://dx. doi. org/ 10. 1007/ s10766-010-0161-2 -
7L. Grigori, J. Demmel, X. S. Li.
Parallel Symbolic Factorization for Sparse LU Factorization with Static Pivoting, in: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2007, vol. 29, no 3, p. 1289-1314. -
8L. Grigori, J. Demmel, H. Xiang.
Communication Avoiding Gaussian Elimination, in: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE SC08 Conference, 2008. -
9L. Grigori, J. Demmel, H. Xiang.
CALU: a communication optimal LU factorization algorithm, in: SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2011, vol. 32, p. 1317-1350. -
10L. Grigori, F. Nataf.
Generalized Filtering Decomposition, May 2011, Session 7.
http://hal. inria. fr/ inria-00581744/ en -
11L. Grigori, F. Nataf.
Generalized Filtering Decomposition, Inria, March 2011, no RR-7569, 8 p.
http://hal. inria. fr/ inria-00576894/ en -
12T. Hérault, R. Lassaigne, S. Peyronnet.
APMC 3.0: Approximate Verification of Discrete and Continuous Time Markov Chains, in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST'06), California, USA, September 2006. -
13Q. Niu, L. Grigori, P. Kumar, F. Nataf.
Modified tangential frequency filtering decomposition and its Fourier analysis, in: Numerische Mathematik, 2010, vol. 116, no 1, p. 123-148. -
14S. Tomov, J. Dongarra, M. Baboulin.
Towards dense linear algebra for hybrid GPU accelerated manycore systems, in: Parallel Computing, 2010, vol. 36, no 5&6, p. 232–240. -
15B. Wei, G. Fedak, F. Cappello.
Scheduling Independent Tasks Sharing Large Data Distributed with BitTorrent, in: IEEE/ACM Grid'2005 workshop Seattle, USA, 2005.
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
16M. Baboulin, J. Dongarra, J. Herrmann, S. Tomov.
Accelerating linear system solutions using randomization techniques, in: ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 2012, vol. 39, no 2. -
17M. Bahi, C. Eisenbeis.
Impact of Reverse Computing on Information Locality in Register Allocation for High Performance Computing, in: International Journal of Parallel Programming, August 2012. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10766-012-0212-y ]
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00776246 -
18J. W. Demmel, L. Grigori, M. Hoemmen, J. Langou.
Communication-optimal parallel and sequential QR and LU factorizations, in: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2012, short version of technical report UCB/EECS-2008-89 from 2008. -
19A. Denise, M.-C. Gaudel, S.-D. Gouraud, R. Lassaigne, J. Oudinet, S. Peyronnet.
Coverage-biased random exploration of large models and application to testing, in: Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), 2012, vol. 14, no 1, p. 73-93.
http://hal. inria. fr/ inria-00560621 -
20P. Estérie, M. Gaunard, J. Falcou, J.-T. Lapresté.
Exploiting Multimedia Extensions in C++: A Portable Approach, in: Computing in Science & Engineering, 2012, vol. 14, no 5, p. 72–77. -
21K. Hamidouche, F. M. Mendoca, J. Falcou, A. C. M. A. de Melo, D. Étiemble.
Parallel Smith-Waterman Comparison on Multicore and Manycore Computing Platforms with BSP++, in: International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2012, p. 1–26. -
22E. Park, J. Cavazos, L.-N. Pouchet, C. Bastoul, A. Cohen, P. Sadayappan.
Predictive Modeling in a Polyhedral Optimization Space, in: International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2012, Accepted for publication. -
23V.-T. Tran, B. Nicolae, G. Antoniu.
Towards Scalable Array-Oriented Active Storage: the Pyramid Approach, in: ACM Operating Systems Review (OSR), 2012, vol. 46, no 1, p. 19-25. [ DOI : 10.1145/2146382.2146387 ]
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00640900
International Conferences with Proceedings
24G. Antoniu, J. Bigot, C. Blanchet, L. Bougé, F. Briant, F. Cappello, A. Costan, F. Desprez, G. Fedak, S. Gault, K. Keahey, B. Nicolae, C. Pérez, A. Simonet, F. Suter, B. Tang, R. Terreux.
Towards Scalable Data Management for Map-Reduce-based Data-Intensive Applications on Cloud and Hybrid Infrastructures, in: 1st International IBM Cloud Academy Conference - ICA CON 2012, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, United States, 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00684866 -
25M. Baboulin, D. Becker, J. Dongarra.
A Parallel Tiled Solver for Dense Symmetric Indefinite Systems on Multicore Architectures, in: Proceedings of IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2012), 2012, p. 14-24. -
26M. Baboulin, S. Donfack, J. Dongarra, L. Grigori, A. Rémy, S. Tomov.
A class of communication-avoiding algorithms for solving general dense linear systems on CPU/GPU parallel machines, in: International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2012), Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 2012, vol. 9, p. 17–26. -
27L. Bautista Gomez, B. Nicolae, N. Maruyama, F. Cappello, S. Matsuoka.
Scalable Reed-Solomon-based Reliable Local Storage for HPC Applications on IaaS Clouds, in: Euro-Par '12: 18th International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel Processing, Rhodes, Greece, May 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00703119 -
28L. Blin, J. Burman, N. Nisse.
Brief Announcement: Distributed Exclusive and Perpetual Tree Searching, in: DISC - 26th International Symposium on Distributed Computing, Salvador, Brazil, 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00741982 -
29L. Blin, J. Burman, N. Nisse.
Nettoyage perpétuel de réseaux, in: 14èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel), La Grande Motte, France, F. Mathieu, N. Hanusse (editors), 2012, 4 p.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00687134 -
30M. E. M. Diouri, O. Glück, L. Lefèvre, F. Cappello.
Energy considerations in Checkpointing and Fault tolerance protocols, in: 2nd International Workshop on Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale (FTXS), co-located with the 42th International conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2012), Boston, United States, June 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00748006 -
31S. Donfack, L. Grigori, W. D. Gropp, V. Kale.
Hybrid static/dynamic scheduling for already optimized dense matrix factorization, in: IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium IPDPS, 2012. -
32S. Donfack, L. Grigori, A. Khabou.
Communication avoiding through a multilevel LU factorization, in: Proceedings of EuroPar Conference, 2012. -
33M. Dorier, G. Antoniu, F. Cappello, M. Snir, L. Orf.
Damaris: How to Efficiently Leverage Multicore Parallelism to Achieve Scalable, Jitter-free I/O, in: CLUSTER - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, Beijing, China, IEEE, September 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00715252 -
34P. Estérie, M. Gaunard, J. Falcou, J.-T. Lapresté, B. Rozoy.
Boost. SIMD: generic programming for portable SIMDization, in: Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Parallel architectures and compilation techniques, ACM, 2012, p. 431–432. -
35G. Fabbian, M. Szydlarski, R. Stompor, L. Grigori, J. Falcou.
Spherical Harmonic Transforms with S2HAT (Scalable Spherical Harmonic Transform) Library, in: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI, 2012, vol. 461, 61 p. -
36L. Grigori, R. Stompor, M. Szydlarski.
A parallel two-level preconditioner for Cosmic Microwave Background map-making, in: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing SC12 Conference, 2012. -
37B. Nicolae, F. Cappello.
A Hybrid Local Storage Transfer Scheme for Live Migration of I/O Intensive Workloads, in: HPDC'12: The 21st International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, Delft, Netherlands, January 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00686654 -
38H. Ye, L. Lacassagne, D. Étiemble, L. Cabaret, J. Falcou, A. Romero, O. Florent.
Impact of high level transforms on high level synthesis for motion detection algorithm, in: Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), 2012 Conference on, IEEE, 2012, p. 1–8.
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
39G. Dowek, J.-P. Archambault, E. Baccelli, C. Cimellli, A. Cohen, C. Eisenbeis, T. Viéville, B. Wack.
Informatique et Sciences du Numérique - Spécialité ISN en Terminale S, Eyrolles, August 2012, 303 p.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00765220
Internal Reports
40J. Beauquier, J. Burman, L. Rosaz, B. Rozoy.
Non-deterministic Population Protocols (Extended Version), Université Paris-Sud 11 and CNRS and Inria, September 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00736261 -
41G. Bosilca, A. Bouteiller, É. Brunet, F. Cappello, J. Dongarra, A. Guermouche, T. Hérault, Y. Robert, F. Vivien, D. Zaidouni.
Unified Model for Assessing Checkpointing Protocols at Extreme-Scale, Inria, October 2012, no RR-7950.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00696154 -
42M. Dorier, G. Antoniu, F. Cappello, M. Snir, L. Orf.
Damaris: Leveraging Multicore Parallelism to Mask I/O Jitter, Inria, April 2012, no RR-7706, 36 p.
http://hal. inria. fr/ inria-00614597 -
43A. Khabou, J. Demmel, L. Grigori, M. Gu.
LU factorization with panel rank revealing pivoting and its communication avoiding version, Inria, January 2012, no RR-7867.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00723564 -
44M. Szydlarski, P. Estérie, J. Falcou, L. Grigori, R. Stompor.
Parallel Spherical Harmonic Transforms on heterogeneous architectures (GPUs/multi-core CPUs), Inria, May 2012, no RR-7635, 31 p.
http://hal. inria. fr/ inria-00597576
Other Publications
45C. Bastoul.
Contributions to High-Level Program Optimization. Habilitation Thesis. Paris-Sud University, France, December 2012.
46K. Aida, A. Takefusa, H. Nakada, S. Matsuoka, S. Sekiguchi, U. Nagashima.
Performance evaluation model for scheduling in a global computing system, in: International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2000, vol. 14, No. 3, p. 268-279.
http://dx. doi. org/ 10. 1177/ 109434200001400308 -
47A. D. Alexandrov, M. Ibel, K. E. Schauser, C. J. Scheiman.
SuperWeb: Research Issues in JavaBased Global Computing, in: Concurrency: Practice and Experience, June 1997, vol. 9, no 6, p. 535–553. -
48L. Alvisi, K. Marzullo.
Message Logging: Pessimistic, Optimistic and Causal, 2001, Proc. 15th Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing. -
49D. P. Anderson.
BOINC, 2011.
http://boinc. berkeley. edu/ -
50A. Barak, O. La'adan.
The MOSIX multicomputer operating system for high performance cluster computing, in: Future Generation Computer Systems, 1998, vol. 13, no 4–5, p. 361–372. -
51A. Baratloo, M. Karaul, Z. M. Kedem, P. Wyckoff.
Charlotte: Metacomputing on the Web, in: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS-96), 1996. -
52J. Beauquier, C. Genolini, S. Kutten.
Optimal reactive k-stabilization: the case of mutual exclusion. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, may 1999, p. 199-208. -
53J. Beauquier, T. Hérault.
Fault-Local Stabilization: the Shortest Path Tree., October 2002, Proceedings of the 21th Symposium of Reliable Distributed Systems. -
54D. Becker, M. Baboulin, J. Dongarra.
Reducing the amount of pivoting in symmetric indefinite systems, 2011, University of Tennessee Technical Report ICL-UT-11-06 and Inria Research Report 7621, to appear in the proceedings of 9th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, September 2011. -
55G. Bosilca, A. Bouteiller, F. Cappello, S. Djilali, G. Fedak, C. Germain, T. Hérault, P. Lemarinier, O. Lodygensky, F. Magniette, V. Néri, A. Selikhov.
MPICH-V: Toward a Scalable Fault Tolerant MPI for Volatile Nodes, 2002, in IEEE/ACM SC 2002. -
56A. Bouteiller, F. Cappello, T. Hérault, G. Krawezik, P. Lemarinier, F. Magniette.
MPICH-V2: a Fault Tolerant MPI for Volatile Nodes based on Pessimistic Sender Based Message Logging, November 2003, in IEEE/ACM SC 2003. -
57A. Bouteiller, P. Lemarinier, G. Krawezik, F. Cappello.
Coordinated Checkpoint versus Message Log for fault tolerant MPI, December 2003, in IEEE Cluster. -
58T. Brecht, H. Sandhu, M. Shan, J. Talbot.
ParaWeb: Towards World-Wide Supercomputing, in: Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGOPS European Workshop on System Support for Worldwide Applications, 1996. -
59R. Buyya, M. Murshed.
GridSim: A Toolkit for the Modeling and Simulation of Distributed Resource Management and Scheduling for Grid Computing, Wiley Press, May 2002. -
60N. Camiel, S. London, N. Nisan, O. Regev.
The POPCORN Project: Distributed Computation over the Internet in Java, in: Proceedings of the 6th International World Wide Web Conference, April 1997. -
61H. Casanova.
Simgrid: A Toolkit for the Simulation of Application Scheduling. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid '01), May 2001, p. 430–437. -
62K. M. Chandy, L. Lamport.
Distributed Snapshots: Determining Global States of Distr. systems., 1985, ACM Trans. on Comp. Systems, 3(1):63–75. -
63L. Choy, S. G. Petiton, M. Sato.
Resolution of large symmetric eigenproblems on a world wide grid, in: Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2007), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, IEEE Computer Society, May 2007, p. 301-308. -
64L. Choy, S. G. Petiton, M. Sato.
Toward power-aware computing with dynamic voltage scaling for heterogeneous platforms, in: Sixth International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Networks (HeteroPar) in conjunction with the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster07), Austin, Texas USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, September 2007. -
65B. O. Christiansen, P. Cappello, M. F. Ionescu, M. O. Neary, K. E. Schauser, D. Wu.
Javelin: Internet-Based Parallel Computing Using Java, in: Concurrency: Practice and Experience, November 1997, vol. 9, no 11, p. 1139–1160. -
66S. Dolev.
Self-stabilization, 2000, M.I.T. Press. -
67G. Fedak, C. Germain, V. Néri, F. Cappello.
XtremWeb: A Generic Global Computing System, in: CCGRID'01: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, IEEE Computer Society, 2001, 582 p. -
68I. Foster, A. Iamnitchi.
On Death, Taxes, and the Convergence of Peer-to-Peer and Grid Computing, in: 2nd International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS'03), Berkeley, CA, February 2003. -
69V. K. Garg.
Principles of distributed computing, John Wiley and Sons, May 2002. -
70C. Genolini, S. Tixeuil.
A lower bound on k-stabilization in asynchronous systems, October 2002, Proceedings of the 21th Symposium of Reliable Distributed Systems. -
71Douglas P. Ghormley, D. Petrou, Steven H. Rodrigues, Amin M. Vahdat, Thomas E. Anderson.
GLUnix: A Global Layer Unix for a Network of Workstations, in: Software Practice and Experience, 1998, vol. 28, no 9, p. 929–961. -
72L. Grigori, J. Demmel, X. S. Li.
Parallel Symbolic Factorization for Sparse LU Factorization with Static Pivoting, in: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2007, vol. 29, no 3, p. 1289-1314. -
73D. E. Keyes.
A Science-based Case for Large Scale Simulation, Vol. 1, Office of Science, US Department of Energy, Report Editor-in-Chief, July 30 2003. -
74S. Kutten, B. Patt-Shamir.
Stabilizing time-adaptive protocols. Theoretical Computer Science 220(1), 1999, p. 93-111. -
75S. Kutten, D. Peleg.
Fault-local distributed mending. Journal of Algorithms 30(1), 1999, p. 144-165. -
76N. Leibowitz, M. Ripeanu, A. Wierzbicki.
Deconstructing the Kazaa Network, in: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Workshop on Internet Applications WIAPP'03, Santa Clara, CA, 2003. -
77M. Litzkow, M. Livny, M. Mutka.
Condor — A Hunter of Idle Workstations, in: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Distributed Computing, San Jose, 1988. -
78Nancy A. Lynch.
M. Kaufmann (editor), Distributed Algorithms, 1996. -
79 Message Passing Interface Forum.
MPI: A message passing interface standard, June 12 1995, Technical report, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. -
80N. Minar, R. Murkhart, C. Langton, M. Askenazi.
The Swarm Simulation System: A Toolkit for Building Multi-Agent Simulations, 1996. -
81H. Pedroso, L. M. Silva, J. G. Silva.
Web-Based Metacomputing with JET, in: Proceedings of the ACM, 1997. -
82S. G. Petiton, L. Choy.
Eigenvalue Grid and Cluster Computations, Using Task Farming Computing Paradigm and Data Persistency, in: SIAM conference on Computational Science & Engineering (CSE'07), Costa Mesa, California, USA, February 2007. -
83B. Quétier, M. Jan, F. Cappello.
One step further in large-scale evaluations: the V-DS environment, Inria, December 2007, no RR-6365.
http://hal. inria. fr/ inria-00189670 -
84S. Ratnasamy, P. Francis, M. Handley, R. Karp, S. Shenker.
A Scalable Content Addressable Network, in: Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2001, 2001. -
85A. Rowstron, P. Druschel.
Pastry: Scalable, Decentralized Object Location, and Routing for Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Systems, in: IFIP/ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms (Middleware), 2001, p. 329–350. -
86L. F. G. Sarmenta, S. Hirano.
Bayanihan: building and studying Web-based volunteer computing systems using Java, in: Future Generation Computer Systems, 1999, vol. 15, no 5–6, p. 675–686. -
87S. Saroiu, P. K. Gummadi, S. D. Gribble.
A Measurement Study of Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Systems, in: Proceedings of Multimedia Computing and Networking, San Jose, CA, USA, January 2002. -
88J. F. Shoch, J. A. Hupp.
The Worm Programs: Early Experiences with Distributed Systems, in: Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, March 1982, vol. 25, no 3. -
89I. Stoica, R. Morris, D. Karger, F. Kaashoek, H. Balakrishnan.
Chord: A Scalable Peer-To-Peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications, in: Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGCOMM Conference, 2001, p. 149–160. -
90G. Tel.
Introduction to distributed algorithms, 2000, Cambridge University Press. -
91Y.-M. Wang, W. K. Fuchs.
Optimistic Message Logging for Independent Checkpointing in Message-Passing Systems, 1992, p. 147-154, Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems. -
92Y. Yi, T. Park, H. Y. Yeom.
A Causal Logging Scheme for Lazy Release Consistent Distributed Shared Memory Systems, December 1998, In Proc. of the 1998 Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems. -
93Y. Zhang, G. Bergère, S. G. Petiton.
A parallel hybrid method of GMRES on Grid System, in: Workshop on High Performance Grid Computing (HPGC'07), jointly published with IPDPS'07 proceedings, Long Beach, California, USA, March 2007. -
94B. Y. Zhao, J. D. Kubiatowicz, A. D. Joseph.
Tapestry: An Infrastructure for Fault-tolerant Wide-area Location and Routing, UC Berkeley, April 2001, no UCB/CSD-01-1141.