Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Feb. 2012: Leon van der Torre (Pr., University of Luxembourg), collaboration on argumentation systems (2 days)

  • Mar. 2012: Meghyn Bienvenu (CR CNRS, IASI/LEO), collaboration on Ontology-Based Data Access (5 days)

  • Apr. 2012: Karima Sedki (MdC AgroCampus-Rennes, IRISA), Seminar on "Reasoning with preferences and deciding under uncertainty"

  • May. 2012: Safa Yahi (MdC University of Marseille, LSIS), Seminar on "Management of inconsistency with justified argumentative inference"

  • Sept. 2012: Bernard Moulin (Université Laval, Canada), collaboration on argumentation and dynamic systems (1 month)

  • Oct. 2012: Jean-François Condotta (CRIL), collaboration on representation and treatment of inconsistencies (2 days)

  • Nov. 2012: Frank van Harmelen (Freie Univ. Amsterdam), seminar on "Reasoning over very, VERY large knowledge bases: towards a web-scale knowledge base of a 100 million facts and beyond"

  • Patricio Mosse (6 months)

    • Subject: Argumentation based preference aggregation (cf Ecobiocap in Sect.  8.2 )

    • Institution: University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)

  • Awa Diattara (6 months)

    • Subject: Default rules for an agronomy application (cf CTFC in Sect.  7.2 )

    • Institution: University Gaston Berger of Saint-Louis, Sénégal

Visits to International Teams

  • Madalina Croitoru and Jérôme Fortin. Visit to the Department of Computer Science (University of Aberdeen). 5 days in January 2012.

  • Souhila Kaci. Visit to Leon van der Torre (University of Luxembourg). January 2012.

  • Michaël Thomazo. Visit to KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). 6 weeks in June/July 2012. Collaboration with Sebastian Rudolph on Ontology-Based Data Access. Funded by DAAD http://paris.daad.de/bourses_de_recherche_de_courte_duree.html .

  • Madalina Croitoru. Visit to Srdjan Vesic (University of Luxembourg). 1 week in November 2012. Collaboration on the link between maximal repairs and argumentation extensions

  • Jean-François Baget, Marie-Laure Mugnier and Michaël Thomazo. Visit to the Information Systems Group (University of Oxford). 3 days in December 2012. Scientific Exchanges on Existential Rules and Datalog+/-.