Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
The next table details the number of lecture hours as well as the number of module responsibilities for each team member.
Name | Position | 2011/12 | Cursus (*) | Module Resp. |
(per year) | ||||
J.-F. Baget | Research Scientist | 40 | M (UM2) | 1 |
M. Croitoru | Assistant Prof. | 96 | L (IUT) and M | 2 |
M. Chein | Emeritus Prof. | 0 | ||
J. Fortin | Assistant Prof | 192 | Polytech | 2 |
S. Kaci | Professor | 198 | L and M(UM2) | 3 |
M. Leclère | Assistant Prof. | 96 | L and M (UM2) | 1 |
M. -L. Mugnier | Professor | 192 | L and M (UM2) | 4 |
R. Thomopoulos | Research Scientist | 0 | no | |
L. Guizol | PhD | 64 | L | no |
M. König | PhD | 64 | L | no |
B. Paiva Lima | PhD | 64 | L (UM2) | no |
M. Thomazo | PhD | 64 | L and M1 (UM2) | no |
(*) L =Licence, M = Master (M1 = first year, M2 = second year), UM2 = Univ. Montpellier 2 (Sciences), IUT = Institute of Technology of UM2 (Licence Cursus), Polytech = Engineering School of UM2, UM3 = Univ. Montpellier 3 (Art and Humanities)
Globally, the team ensures the courses in logics (propositional logic and first-order logic in L, logics for Artificial Intelligence in M2) at the Montpellier 2 University, as well as the Master courses in Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support, Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Engineering. We are also responsible of modules in Web Technologies (Professional L at IUT) and Databases (L). Michel Leclère, on sabbatical leave since Feb. 2012, and Madalina Croitoru, on Inria delegation, ensured each a half-service.
We have some specific responsibilities in the Computer Science Master:
Michel Leclère is co-responsible of the master speciality DECOL (about 20 students) started in September 2011.
Marie-Laure Mugnier is co-responsible of the Computer Science Master started in September 2011 (about 240 students), which gathers six specialties.
No PhD was defended in 2012.
PhD in progress : Michaël Thomazo, Querying knowledge bases: decidability, complexity and algorithms, Sept. 2010, Marie-Laure Mugnier and Jean-François Baget
PhD in progress : Bruno Paiva Lima da Silva, Comparing Storage Systems for Large knowledge bases, Oct. 2010, Jean-François Baget and Madalina Croitoru
PhD in progress : Tjitze Rienstra, Dynamic argumentation systems, Oct. 2010, Souhila Kaci and Leon van der Torre (University of Luxembourg)
PhD in progress : Mélanie König, Algorithms for querying large knowledge bases, Oct. 2011, Michel Leclère and Marie-Laure Mugnier
PhD in progress : Léa Guizol, Entity identification in metadata bases, Oct. 2011, Michel Leclère and Madalina Croitoru
PhD in Progress: Akila Ghersedine, Creating and enriching lists of authorities from heterogeneous resources, Apr. 2012, Michel Leclère and Marie-Laure Mugnier
Reviewer (PhD): Interrogation personnalisée des systèmes d'information dédiés au transport : une approche bipolaire floue, Nouredine Tamani, IRISA, ENSSAT Lannion, April 2012
Reviewer (PhD): Approches hybrides pour la recherche sémantique de l'information : Intǵration des bases de connaissances et des ressources semi-structurées. Yassine Mrabet, University of Paris-Sud, July 2012
President of jury (PhD): Structuration de débats en ligne à l'aide d'annotations socio-sémantiques, Antoine Seilles, University of Montpellier 2, April 2012
Reviewer (PhD): Extraction de motifs de graphes pour caractériser des sources de données RDF, Adrien Basse, University of Nice, December 2012
President of jury (PhD): Enhancing Ontology Matching by Using Machine Learning, Graph Matching and Information Retrieval Techniques, DuyHoa Ngo, University of Montpellier 2, December 2012.
Jury member(PhD): Static analysis of semantic web queries, Melisachew Wudage Chekol, University of Grenoble, December 2012.