Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Nicolas Szilas (University of Geneva): Interactive Storytelling: Models, Architecture and Approach (26/04/2012).
Karan Singh (University of Toronto): Artist and Perception driven Interactive Graphics (10/05/2012).
Alla Sheffer (University of British Columbia): Geometry in action (24/05/2012).
Jarek Rossignac (Georgia Tech): The Beauty of a Motion: Mathematical Definition, Robust Implementation and Applications to Design and Animation (07/06/2012).
Michael Gleicher (University of Wisconsin-Madison): From Art and Perception to Visualization, Video, and Virtual Reality (12/06/2012).
Michael Wand (Max-Planck-Institut): Shape Analysis with Correspondences (06/07/2012).
Ladislav Kavan (ETH Zurick): 3D Virtual Characters: Skinning, Clothing, and Weird Math (12/07/2012).
Niloy J. Mitra (University of College London): Smart Geometry: In Search of Geometric Simplicity (25/10/2012).
Mathieu Desbrun (California Institute of Technology): The Power of Duals: from Poisson to Blue Noise (20/12/2012).