Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Organization of conferences and editorial boards

Marie-Paule Cani

  • General co-chair with Beryl Plimmer of the Expressive 2012 conference, co-sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics, which grouped three international even in Annecy, in June 2012: Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM), Non-protorealistic Animation & Rendering (NPAR) and Coputational Aesthetics (CAe).

  • Editorial boards of Computer Graphics Forum and of Graphical Models.

  • Steering committees of Shape Modelling International (SMI) and of SBIM.

Stefanie Hahmann

  • SPM 2012 paper chair

  • Journal CAD Vol. 45 No.2 (Elsevier), Special Issue of SPM 2012, co-editor

  • Journal Graphical Models Vol. 74 No. 6 (Elsevier), Special Issue on Geometric Modling, co-editor

Jean-Claude Léon

  • Local chair of EXPRESSIVE 2012 conference

Rémi Ronfard

  • Member of the program committees for the international conferences on Computational Aesthetics (CAE), Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS) and Motion in Games (MIG).

  • Organization of the 3rd international workshop on 3D Cinematography in Providence, USA, during the CVPR conference, with an audience of 100 participants. The 3D Cinematography series of workshops is devoted to all areas of computer vision contributing to the generation of 3D content from live action video, including structure from motion, binocular and trinocular stereo, multi-view stereo, geometric modeling, 3D signal processing, plenoptic modeling and light field cameras.

Management and administration of scientific organisations

Marie-Paule Cani

  • Co-chair with Laurence Nigay of the axis "Authoring Augmented Reality" of the Laxeb Persyval.

  • Member of the executive board of the GDR Informatique Graphique (IG), a french virtual lab sponsored by CNRS.

  • Elected member of the executive committee of EG-France, the french chapter of eurographics.

  • Elected to the executive committee of Eurographics, where she will serve as second vice president from January 2013.

  • Member of the ACM Publication board (monthly audi-confs plus two in person meetings a year, to handle new publications, changes of editors in chiefs and the publication strategy of the ACM.

François Faure

  • Member of the Conseil du Laboratoire at LJK.

Stefanie Hahmann

  • President of GTMG (Groupe de Travail en Modelisation Géometrique) part of GDR IM and GDR IG.

  • Member of the Conseil du Laboratoire at LJK.

  • Vice chair of SIAM activity group Geometric Design.

  • Responsible of Maths-Info Department of the Grenoble doctoral school MSTII.

Olivier Palombi

  • Member of the scientific board of ECCAMI (Excellence center for computer assisted medical interventions).

Rémi Ronfard

  • Responsible of the Géométrie and Images department at LJK.

  • Member of the Conseil du Laboratoire at LJK.

  • Coordinator of a thematic action of the national GDR ISIS, on face, gesture, action and behavior (Visage, geste, action et comportement ), together with Catehrine Achard and Patrick Horain (Télécom Paris Tech).

Public dissemination

  • Marie-Paule Cani gave two key-note talks in Febuary 2012,"Towards expressive modelling of animated virtual worlds", respectively within the key-note speech of the LIG laboratory (Laboratoire d'informatique de Grenoble) and in the Polaris colloquium "From real to virtual" sponsored by Inria Lille.

  • In March 2012, Marie-Paule Cani gave the talk "Are women afraid of computer science" at the European Research Center of Xerox, at the occasion of the "woman day".

  • In May, Marie-Paule Cani gave courses on modeling and animation of virtual worlds, respectively within the cursus for high-school professors in computer sciences set up by Inria, and within a symposium for "classes préparatoire" professors organized by Ensimag/Grenoble INP.

  • In November 2012, Marie-Paule Cani gave a course on "high-level models for intuitive modelling and animation" to the french PhD students in Computer Graphics, within the doctoral school day in Calais co-organized by the GDR IG (Informatique Graphique) and by the french Computer Graphics association (AFIG).

  • Olivier Palombi gave a talk in journée des sciences de l'université de Gène in Italia.

  • The images of the flat torus rendered by Damien Rohmer (see chap.  6.2.2 ) have been published in several magazines: NewScientist , Magazine Science , Universcience , Wired , IO9 , The Aperiodical , Images des mathématiques .