Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Gabriel Antoniu:

  • General Co-Chair of the ScienceCloud 2012 International workshop held in conjunction with the ACM HPDC 2012 conference.

  • Local Chair of the 7th International Workshop of the Joint Inria-UIUC-ANL Lab for Petascale Computing, Rennes, June 2012.

  • Track chair at IEEE CloudCom 2012 international conference.

  • Editor for a Special Issue of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Journal on Cloud Computing for Data-driven Science and Engineering, 2012.

  • Program Committee member (selection): ACM HPDC 2012, ACM/IEEE SC 2013, IEEE/ACM CCGRID 2013, ICCCN 2012, IEEE HPCC 2012, IEEE AINA 2012, IEEE CloudCom 2012, ICPADS 2012.

  • Coordinator for the MapReduce ANR project (see Section  8.1 ).

  • G. Antoniu and B. Thirion (PARIETAL Project-Team, Inria Saclay – Île-de-France ) co-lead the AzureBrain Microsoft-Inria Project (2010-2013).

  • Coordinator for the DataCloud@work Associate Team, a project involving the KerData and MYRIADS Inria Teams in Rennes and the Distributed Systems Group from Politehnica University of Bucharest (2010–2012).

  • Local coordinator for Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique Research Center in the SCALUS Project of the Marie-Curie Initial Training Networks Programme (ITN), call FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008 (2009-2013).

Alexandru Costan:

  • Organizer of the 1st Workshop on Big Data Management in Clouds BDMC2012 in conjunction with EuroPar 2012, see http://www.irisa.fr/kerdata/bdmc/

  • Program Committee member: CloudCom 2012, ScienceClouds 2012, EIDWT 2012

  • Reviewer: J. of Parallel and Distributed Computing, IEEE Internet Computing, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Intl. J. of Grid and Utility Computing, Innovative Studies Intl. J., Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, HPDC 2012, AINA 2012, RenPar 2012

Luc Bougé:

  • Since September 2012: Scientific coordinator for the Information & Communication Science & Technology Department of the National Research Agency (ANR).