Section: New Results
A-Brain and TomusBlobs
Participants : Radu Tudoran, Alexandru Costan, Gabriel Antoniu.
Enabling high-throughput massive data processing on cloud data becomes a critical issue, as it impacts the overall application performance. In the framework of the MSR-Inria A-Brain co-led by Gabriel Antoniu (KerData) and Bertrand Thirion (PARIETAL), the TomusBlobs[22] system was designed and implemented by KerData to address such challenges at the level of the cloud storage. The system we introduce is a concurrency-optimized data storage system which federates the virtual disks associated to VMs. As TomusBlobs does not require modifications to the cloud middleware, it can serve as a high-throughput globally-shared data storage for the cloud applications that require data passing among computation nodes.
We leveraged the performance of this solution to enable efficient data-intensive processing on commercial clouds by building an optimized prototype MapReduce framework for Azure. The system, deployed on 350 cores in Azure, was used to execute a real-life application, A-Brain with the goal of searching for significant associations between brain locations and genes.
The achieved throughput increased with an order of 2 for reading, respectively 3 for writing compared to the remote storage. With our approach for MapReduce data processing, the computation time is reduced to 50 % compared to the existing solutions, while the cost is reduced up to 30 %.
Iterative MapReduce
Participants : Radu Tudoran, Alexandru Costan, Gabriel Antoniu, Louis-Claude Canon.
While MapReduce has arisen as a major programming model for data analysis on clouds, there are many scientific applications that require processing patterns different from this paradigm. As such, reduce-intensive algorithms are becoming increasingly useful in applications such as data clustering, classification and mining. These algorithms have a common pattern: data are processed iteratively and aggregated into a single final result. While in the initial MapReduce proposal the reduce phase was a simple aggregation function, recently an increasing number of applications relying on MapReduce exhibit a reduce-intensive pattern, that is, an important part of the computations are done during the reduce phase. However, platforms like MapReduce or Dryad lack built-in support for reduce-intensive workloads.
To overcome these issues, we introduced MapIterativeReduce [23] , a framework which: 1) extends the MapReduce programming model to better support reduce-intensive applications by exploiting the inherent parallelism of the reduce tasks which have an associative and/or commutative operation; and 2) substantially improves their efficiency by eliminating the implicit barrier between the Map and the Reduce phase. We showed how to leverage this architecture for scientific applications by enhancing the fault tolerance support in Azure and TomusBlobs, the underlying storage system, with a light checkpointing scheme and without any centralized control.
We evaluated MapIterativeReduce on the Microsoft Azure cloud with synthetic benchmarks and with a real-life application. Compared to state-of-art solutions, our approach enables faster data processing, by reducing the execution times by up to 75 %.
Adaptive file management for clouds
Participants : Radu Tudoran, Alexandru Costan, Gabriel Antoniu.
Recently, there is an increasing interest to execute general data processing schemas in clouds, as it would allow many scientific applications to migrate to this computing infrastructures. The natural way to do this is to designe and adopt Workflow Processing engines built for clouds. Such workflow processing in clouds would involve data propagation on the computation nodes based on well defined data access patterns. Having an efficient file management backend for a workflow engines is thus essential as we move to the world of BigData.
We proposed a new approach for a transfer-optimized file management in clouds On the one hand, our solution manages files within the deployment leveraging data locality. On the other hand, we envision an adaptive system that adopts the transfer method most suited based on the data transfer context.
The performance evaluation showed significant gains in terms of transfer throughput and computation time. File transfer times are reduced up to a factor of 5 with respect to the remote storage, while the timespan of running applications is reduced by more than 25% compared with other frameworks like Hadoop on Azure. This work was done in the context of a 3-month internship of Radu Tudoran hosted by the Advance Technology Lab from Microsoft Europe, Germany, Aachen.