Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
Our research topics address the area of distributed data management for cloud services. We aim at investigating several open issues related to autonomic storage in the context of cloud services. The goal is explore how to build an efficient, secure and reliable storage IaaS for data-intensive distributed applications running in cloud environments by enabling an autonomic behavior, while leveraging the advantages of the grid operating system approach.
Our research activities involve the design and implementation of experimental prototypes based on the following software platforms:
The main results obtained in 2012 are described in Section 6.4 .
Inria International Partners
Politehnica University of Bucharest
Participation In International Programs
- Joint Inria-UIUC Lab for Petascale Computing (JLPC),
since 2009. Collaboration on concurrency-optimized I/O for post-Petascale platforms (see details inw Section 4.1 ). A joint project proposal with the team of Rob Ross (Argonne National Lab) has been accepted in 2012 at the FACCTS call for projects. It served to prepare the preparation of a project for an Associate Team with ANL and UIUC. The project, called Data@Exascale has been accepted for 2013-2015.
- FP3C ANR-JST project (2010–2014).
This project co-funded by ANR and by JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency) started in October 2010 for 42 months. It focuses on programming issues for Post-Petascale architectures. In this framework, KerData collaborates with the University of Tsukuba on data management issues.