Section: New Results
Management and monitoring of P2P networks
Participants : Isabelle Chrisment [contact] , Olivier Festor, Juan Pablo Timpanaro.
In 2012, we have addressed operation, monitoring and security issues on several P2P target networks: KAD, BitTorrent and I2P.
Several large scale P2P networks operating on the Internet are based on a Distributed Hash Table. These networks offer valuable services, but they all suffer from a critical issue allowing malicious nodes to be inserted in specific places on the DHT for undesirable purposes (monitoring, distributed denial of service, pollution, etc.). While several attacks and attack scenarios have been documented, few studies have measured the actual deployment of such attacks and none of the documented countermeasures have been tested for compatibility with an already deployed network. In our work, we focus on the KAD network. Based on large scale monitoring campaigns, we demonstrated that the world-wide deployed KAD network suffers large number of suspicious insertions around shared contents and we quantify them. To cope with these peers, we proposed a new efficient protection algorithm based on analyzing the distribution of the peers ID found around an entry after a DHT lookup [3] . The evaluation of our solution showed that it detects the most efficient configurations of inserted peers with a very small false-negative rate, and that the countermeasures successfully filter almost all the suspicious peers. We demonstrate the direct applicability of our approach by implementing and testing our solution in real P2P networks
BitTorrent is a fast, popular, P2P filesharing application focused on fast propagation of content. Its trackerless approach uses a DHT based on Kademlia to search for sources when the hash of the metadata of the content to transfer is known. On the other hand, the eMule network uses the old ED2K protocol for filesharing including a system of priorized queues, but indexation is done through a solid Kademlia based DHT, named Kad. The Kad DHT stands for a search engine, wich provides an extra level to map keywords to file identifiers. We have designed an hybrid approach, compatible with both P2P file-sharing networks, which has the Kad advantages on indexation and the BitTorrent throughput for transfer while maintaining backward compatibility with both of these networks [42] . To validate our proposal we developed a prototype which supports content indexation provided by the Kad network and is able to transfer files using the BitTorrent protocol. Using this prototype, we measured the propagation of new content in clusters of aMule clients, BitTorrent clients, hybrid clients, and a mix of them.
In parallel, we continued our research about being anonymous when downloading from BitTorrent. Anonymous communications have been gaining more and more interest from Internet users as privacy and anonymity problems have emerged. Among anonymous enabled services, anonymous file-sharing is one of the most active one and is increasingly growing. Large scale monitoring on these systems allows us to grasp how they behave, which type of data is shared among users, the overall behavior in the system.
We presented the first monitoring study aiming to characterize the usage of the I2P network, a low-latency anonymous network based on garlic routing [23] . We characterized the file-sharing environment within I2P, and evaluated if this monitoring affects the anonymity provided by the network. We showed that most activities within the network are file-sharing oriented, along with anonymous web-hosting. We assessed the wide geographical location of nodes and network popularity. We also demonstrated that group-based profiling is feasible on this particular network [22] .
Dedicated anonymous networks such as Freenet and I2P allow anonymous file-sharing among users. However, one major problem with anonymous file-sharing networks is that the available content is highly reduced, mostly with outdated files, and non-anonymous networks, such as the BitTorrent network, are still the major source of content. We showed that in a 30-days period, 21648 new torrents were introduced in the BitTorrent community, whilst only 236 were introduced in the anonymous I2P network, for four different categories of content. Therefore, how can a user of these anonymous networks access this varied and non-anonymous content without compromising its anonymity? In [24] , we improved content availability in an anonymous environment by proposing the first internetwork model allowing anonymous users to access and share content in large public communities while remaining anonymous. We showed that our approach can efficiently interconnect I2P users and public BitTorrent swarms without affecting their anonymity nor their performance. Our model is fully implemented and freely usable.