Section: New Results
Configuration security automation
Participants : Rémi Badonnel [contact] , Martin Barrere, Olivier Festor.
The main research challenge addressed in this work is focused on enabling configuration security automation in autonomic networks and services. In particular our objective is to increase vulnerability awareness in the autonomic management plane in order to prevent configuration vulnerabilities. The continuous growth of networking significantly increases the complexity of management. It requires autonomic networks and services that are capable of taking in charge their own management by optimizing their parameters, adapting their configurations and ensuring their protection against security attacks. However, the operations and changes executed during these self-management activities may generate vulnerable configurations. A first part of our work in the year 2012 has been dedicated to the assessment of distributed vulnerabilities and to the elaboration of a collaborative management strategy for supporting their remediation. A configuration vulnerability is not necessarily local but can also be spread over several devices in the autonomic network. We have showed in [8] how such distributed vulnerabilities can be mathematically formalized and described in a machine readable manner, through the specification of the DOVAL (Distributed OVAL) language on top of OVAL (Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language). We have designed and evaluated a dedicated framework for exploiting these vulnerability descriptions, collecting device configurations and detecting distributed vulnerabilities using specific aggregation techniques. Once a vulnerability is identified in the autonomic network, several remediation actions can potentially be performed by the autonomic network over devices. For that purpose, we have introduced an XCCDF-based specification for expressing alternative treatments related to a distributed vulnerability. We have also proposed a collaborative scheme for selecting one of these treatments depending on the current context (device capabilities and willingness to participate) [6] . A second part of our work has focused on the extension of our solution to other environments. In particular we have worked on the integration of our vulnerability assessment strategy over the Android plateform [9] . We have put forward a mathematical model as well as an optimized method that provides solid foundations for this context. By maintaining low-consumption services monitoring the system, the proposed approach minimizes heavy task executions by only triggering assessment activities when configuration changes are detected or new vulnerability definitions are available. In light of this, we have developed a prototype that efficiently performs self-assessment activities, and also introduces dedicated web services for collecting OVAL descriptions and storing assessment results. We have performed an analytical evaluation of the proposed model as well as an extensive set of technical experiments that shows the feasibility of our solution. We are currently working on the issue of past hidden vulnerable states. A network compromised in the past by an unknown vulnerability at that moment may still constitute a potential security threat in the present. Accordingly, past unknown system exposures are required to be taken into account. We are therefore investigating a novel strategy for identifying also such past hidden vulnerable configurations and increasing the overall security [9] .