Section: New Results
Online Risk Management
Participants : Rémi Badonnel [contact] , Oussema Dabbebi, Olivier Festor.
Telephony over IP has known a large scale deployment and has been supported by the standardization of dedicated signaling protocols. This service is however exposed to multiple attacks due to a lower confinement in comparison to traditional PSTN networks. While a large variety of methods and techniques has been proposed for protecting VoIP networks, their activation may seriously impact on the quality of such a critical service. Risk management provides new opportunities for addressing this challenge. In particular our work aims at performing online risk management for VoIP networks and services. The objective is to dynamically adapt the service exposure with respect to the threat potentiality, while maintaining a low security overhead. In the year 2012, we have pursued our work on online risk management and applied it to more distributed configurations. In that context we have defined in [14] an exposure control solution for P2PSIP networks where the registration and location servers are implemented by a distributed hash table. After having analyzed different attack scenarios, we have designed the underlying risk management architecture and modelled several dedicated countermeasures. We have evaluated the performance and scalability of our approach through extensive experiments performed with the OMNET++ simulator. We have also proposed a trust-based solution for addressing residual attacks in the RELOAD framework. This latter, complementary to our risk management approach, is a peer-to-peer signalling overlay using a central certificate enrolment server and supporting P2PSIP infrastructures. Self-signed certificates can also be used in closed networks, and connections amongst nodes can be secured using an encryption protocol such as TLS. While the RELOAD framework permits to reduce the exposure to threats, P2PSIP networks are still exposed to residual attacks related to the routing and storage activities. For instance, it is trivial for a malicious node to refuse to give the stored information, or to send false routing messages in the network. We have showed how trust mechanisms can be exploited to counter these attacks in an efficient manner. Our work on online risk management has also focused on VoIP services in the Cloud [30] . The integration of IP telephony in this environment permits the delivery and access of new resources and constitutes an important factor for its scalability. While the Cloud has recently served as a basis for security attacks targeting IP telephony, such as SIP brute force attacks from the Amazon EC2 Cloud infrastructure, we consider that it also provides new possibilities for supporting the security of this service. We have analyzed the applicability of our online risk management approach in the Cloud, and evaluated to what extent security countermeasures may be outsourced as a service. We have mathematically defined a dedicated modelling and detailed different treatment strategies for applying countermeasures in the Cloud. Finally, we have quantified the benefits and costs of these strategies based on a set of experimental results.