Section: New Results
Pervasive Computing
Participants : Laurent Ciarletta [contact] , Olivier Festor, Ye-Qiong Song, Adrien Guenard, Yannick Presse.
Vincent Chevrier(MAIA Team), Thomas Navarrette Gutierrez (MAIA Team) and Priyadrsi Nanda (Universit of Technology, Sydney) did contribute to part of this activity.
In Pervasive or Ubiquitous Computing, a growing number of communicating/computing devices are collaborating to provide users with enhanced and ubiquitous services in a seamless way. In a related field, Cyber Physical Systems also are technological systems that have to be considered within a physical world and its contraints. They are complex systems where several inter-related phenomena have to be considered. In order to be studied, modeled and evaluated, we propose the use of co-simulation and multimodeling. to be Madynes is focusing on the networking aspects of such systems. We cooperate with toher the Maia team to be able to encompass issues and research questions that combine both networking and cognitive aspects.
Pervasive Computing is about interconnected and situated computing resources providing us(ers) with contextual services. These systems, embedded in the fabric of our daily lives, are complex: numerous interconnected and heterogeneous entities are exhibiting a global behavior impossible to forecast by merely observing individual properties. Firstly, users physical interactions and behaviors have to be considered. They are influenced and influence the environment. Secondly, the potential multiplicity and heterogeneity of devices, services, communication protocols, and the constant mobility and reorganization also need to be addressed. Our research on this field is going towards both closing the loop between humans and systems, physical and computing systems, and taming the complexity, using multi-modeling (to combine the best of each domain specific model) and co-simulation (to design, develop and evaluate) as part of a global conceptual and practical toolbox. We apply this work on UAvs and energy-constrained / location aware services.
In 2012 we worked on the following research topics :
Continuing the work on multi-modeling and co-simulation, we've participated with the MAIA team on the development of an architecture for the control of complex systems based on multi-agent simulation [32] , [2] , and a CPS co-simulation (next item), and continue working on the AA4MM framework (Agents and artefacts for Multiple heterogeneous Models).
In Cyper Physical Systems, we have lead the design and implementation of the Aetournos (Airborne Embedded auTonomOUs Robust Network of Objects and Sensors) platform at Loria. The idea of AETOURNOS is to build a platform which can be at the same time a demonstrator of scientific realizations and an evaluation environment for research works of various teams of our laboratory. It is also its own research domain : building a completely autonomous and robust flock of collaborating UAVs.
In Madynes, we focus on the CPS and their networks and applications. Those systems consist of numerous autonomous elements in sharp interaction which functioning require a tight coupling between software implementations and technical devices. The collective movements of a flock of flying communicating robots / UAVs, evolving in potentially perturbed environment constitute a good example of such a system. Indeed, if we look at the level of each of the elements playing a role into this system, a certain number of challenges and scientific questions can be studied: respect of real-time constraints of calculations for every autonomous UAV and for the communication between the robots, conception of individual, embedded, distributed or global management systems, development of self-adaptative mechanisms, conception of algorithms of collective movement etc... Furthermore, the answers to each of these questions have to finally contribute to the global functioning of the system. Applying co-simulation technique we plan to develop a hybrid "network-aware flocking behavior" / "behavior aware routing protocol". The platform is composed of several high-grade research UAVs (Pelican quadcopters and Firefly hexacopters) and lighter models (AR.Drone quacopters). We have provided a working set of tools : multi-simulation behavior / network / physics and generic software development using ROS (Robot Operating System). The UAVs carry a set of sensor for location awareness, their own computing capabilities and several wireless networks.
This work is discribed in a position paper where a first implementation of a formation flight is detailed ([11] ).
Energy-constraint geolocalization, addressing, routing and management of wireless devices: a research collaboration with Fireflies RTLS was started in March 2009 and has ended in 2012. The initial work has been extended in a joint work with the former TRIO Team and a visiting professor from the University of Technology of Sydney. Its focus has been shiffted towards novel adressing and routing scheme minimizing a global energy-cost function in a wireless sensor network location systems [28] . We are proposing a global configuration tool for this matter in regards with given constraints (number of nodes, topology, QoS).
In 2013, we will continue working on the hybrid protocols and on the UAV platform, and apply our co-simulation work to Smart Grids.