Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Conferences Organization
In collaboration with the Institute of Numerical Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (Novosibirsk State University), Magique 3D organized the First Russian-French Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics and Inverse Problems (June 18-22) in Biarritz. This conference was the kick-off meeting of the GEO3D project between the two teams. It focused on direct and inverse problems in mathematical geophysics, mathematical modeling in continuum mechanics, and wave propagation.
Gathering well recognized specialists with a large spectrum of domain of expertise (geophysical modeling, wave propagation, numerical analysis, large scale problems, inverse problems...), it aimed at creating synergy resulting in theoretical and technological advances in these domains. It initiated discussions and defined joint research projects between French and Russian researchers.
Magique 3d coorganized with the BCAM the Aquitanie-Euskadi Workshop on Applied Mathematics (October 29-31) in Biarritz. It was the closing workshop of the AKELARRE project (Aquitaine-Euskadi fundings), it focused on wave problems which were the subject of the joint project and take place in different areas of applied mathematics (control, finite elements, asymptotic analysis, boundary conditions, high performing computing, ...). and it gathered around 30 participants.
Administrative Activities
Hélène Barucq is vice-chair of the Inria evaluation committee. From 2009 to 2012, she has been member of the panel of experts for the ANR programs "SIMI1 programmes blanc et jeunes chercheurs", . She is the scientific leader of the strategic action Inria-TOTAL "DIP: Depth Imaging Partnership",
Julien Diaz is elected member of the Inria evaluation committee and member of the CDT (Commission de Développement Technologique of Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest.
Victor Peron is member of the CJC (Commission Jeunes Chercheurs) of Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest
Sébastien Tordeux is elected member of the 26th section of the CNU.