Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participants : Pascal Durrens [correspondant] , Witold Dyrka, David James Sherman.

Signal Transduction Associated with Numerous Domains (STAND) proteins play a central role in vegetative incompatibility (VI) in fungi. STAND proteins act as molecular switches, changing from closed inactive conformation to open active conformation upon binding of the proper ligand. Mykimun, coordinated by Mathieu Paoletti of the IBGC (Bordeaux), studies the postulated involvement of STAND proteins in heterospecific non self recognition (innate immune response). Magnome develops machine learning techniques for classifying and identifying STAND proteins in fungal genomes, as well as statistical analysis of their genomic neighborhoods.

ANR DIVOENI, 2008-2012

Participants : Elisabeth Bon [correspondant] , Aurélie Goulielmakis.

LaBRI, through Elisabeth Bon, is a partner in DIVOENI, a four-year ANR project concerning intraspecies biodiversity of the oenological bacteria Oenococcus oeni. Coordinated by Prof. Aline Lonvaud (Univ. Bordeaux Segalen) from the Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences of Bordeaux – Aquitaine, this scientific programme was developed:

  1. To evaluate the genetic diversity of a vast collection of strains, to set up phylogenetic groups, then to investigate relationships between the ecological niches (cider, wine, champagne) and the essential phenotypical traits. Hypotheses on the evolution in the species and on the genetic stability of strains will be drawn.

  2. To propose methods based on molecular markers to make a better use of the diversity of the species.

  3. To measure the impact of the repeated use of selected strains on the diversity in the ecosystem and to draw the conclusions for its preservation.

Elisabeth is in charge of the computational infrastructure dedicated to genomics and post-genomics data storage, handling and analysis. She coordinates collaboration with the CBiB-Centre de Bioinformatique de Bordeaux (Aurélien Barré).