Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
International conferences
CIMPA School
A. Iggidr is one of the three scientific directors and organizers of a CIMPA-UNESCO-MESR-MICINN-MOROCCO research School, held in Casablanca, October 1-12 : EpiCasa12 – Introduction to epidemiology: mathematical and statistical models and methods.
G. Sallet was also one of the lecturers.
This research school aims at providing the basic notions in epidemiology and modelling to students, or researchers, in mathematics and statistics, so that they can apply their knowledge to solve practical problems, that is:
to understand scientific papers describing experiments or data acquisition in epidemiology, or dealing with mathematics applied to epidemiology;
to participate in research projects in epidemiology together with biologists.
Conference Saint-Louis
MASAIE and University of Gaston Berger have organized a conference in honor of Gauthier Sallet in Saint-Louis (Senegal) from December 3 to 7, 2012 ( ). This conference was preceded by a school (November 29-30).
The scientific committee was composed of Julien Arino, Pierre Auger, Jean-Michel Coron, Jean-Luc Gouze, Claude Lobry, Mary-Teuw Niane, Michel Langlais, Hamidou Touré. The conference was sponsored by Inria, IRD, UGB, MESR Senegal. More than 50 participants from control theory, population dynamics and epidemiology participated to these events. The journal "Mathematical Control and Related Fields (MCRF)" will offer a special issue in connection to the Conference in honor of G. Sallet.
Expertise, scientific animation
G. Sallet was expert to synthesize all the studies carried out in WorkPackage 3, “Modelling and Simulations”, WP leader Dr. Yves Dumont (CIRAD – AMAP). 25th March until 5th April at the CRVOI, La Réunion Island
G. Sallet gives conferences in the network M3D (Mathématiques et Décision pour le Développement Durable ) : Structuration dans les modèles épidémiologiques. May 7-10, 2012. Oleron ( )
G. Sallet was invited by UMMISCO IRD and GRIMCAPE (LIRIMA) as an expert to participate to "modélisation mathématique des maladies infectieuses en contexte forestier". September 25-29, 2012.