Section: Software


Participants : Guillaume Huard [correspondant] , Lucas Schnorr.

  • Characterization of Software : A-2 / SO-4 / SM-5 / EM-3 / SDL-3

  • Own Contribution: DA-4 / CD-3 / MS-3 / TPM-3

  • Additional information:

    • web site: http://triva.gforge.inria.fr/ , Coordinator, Lucas Schnorr

    • Objective of the software: Triva is an open-source tool used to analyze traces (in the pajé format) registered during the execution of parallel applications. The tool serves also as a sandbox to the development of new visualization techniques.

    • Users community: Research open source project, applications developers, especially parallel applications.

    • Positioning: Main competing tools are Vampir (classical 2D Gantt charts) and Tau (less advanced agregation techniques), more details in : A Hierarchical Aggregation Model to achieve Visualization Scalability in the analysis of Parallel Applications. Lucas Mello Schnorr, Guillaume Huard, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux. Parallel Computing. Volume 38, Issue 3, March 2012.