Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams
The Morpheo team from the Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes is associated with the Matsuyama lab. at the University of Kyoto. Both entities are working on the capture of evolving shapes using multiple videos and the objective of the collaboration is to make progress on the modeling of dynamic events using visual cues with a particular emphasize on human gesture modeling for analysis purposes. To this aim, the collaboration fosters exchanges between researchers in this domain, in particular young researchers, through visits between the two teams.
Inria International Partners
Simon Courtemanche and Lionel Reveret collaborate with Pr. Kry from University McGill (Montreal) on physical simulation of 3D character. Simon Courtemanche has spent 6 months with Pr Kry at McGill University thanks to an explora'doc regional grant. During this stay, motion capture experiments have been done on specific climbing wall equipped with force and torque sensors.