Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
E. Boyer, Master: synthese d'images, 15h, M1 informatique, Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble.
E. Boyer, Master: projet de programmation, 15h, M1 informatique - M1 MoSig, Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble.
E. Boyer, Master: Introduction to Image Analysis, 15h, M1 MoSig, Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble.
E. Boyer, Master:Computer Vision, 12h, M2R MoSig, Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble.
F. Hétroy, Master: algorithmique et programmation orientee objets, 36h, Ensimag 2nd year, Grenoble INP.
F. Hétroy, Master: modelisation et programmation C++, 27h, Ensimag 2nd year, Grenoble INP.
F. Hétroy, Master: projets de specialite image, 28h, Ensimag 2nd year, Grenoble INP.
F. Hétroy, Master: introduction a la recherche en laboratoire, 3h, Ensimag 2nd year, Grenoble INP.
F. Hétroy, Master: geometrie algorithmique, 9h, Ensimag 3rd year, Grenoble INP.
F. Hétroy, Licence: algorithmique et structures de donnees, 36h, Ensimag 1st year, Grenoble INP.
J.S. Franco, Licence: Algorithmics, 56h, Ensimag 1st year, Grenoble INP
J.S. Franco, License: C Project, 50h, Ensimag 1st year, Grenoble INP
J.S. Franco, Master: Research Initiation, 3h, Ensimag 2nd year, Grenoble INP
J.S. Franco, Master: End of study project (PFE) Project Tutoring, 6h, Ensimag 2nd year, Grenoble INP
J.S. Franco, Master: 3D Graphics, 40.5h, Ensimag 2nd year, Grenoble INP
J.S. Franco, Master: Modelisation et programmation C++, 9h, Ensimag 2nd year, Grenoble INP
J.S. Franco, Licence: Introduction to Computer Vision, 27h, Ensimag 1st year, Grenoble INP
L. Reveret, Master: projets image, 30h, Ensimag 2nd year, Grenoble INP
L. Reveret, Master: Multidimensionnal Statistical Analysis, TP, 18h, Ensimag 2nd year, Grenoble INP
L. Reveret, Master: 3D Animation and Maya development, 18h, Ensimag 3rd year, Grenoble INP
L. Reveret, Master: Computer Graphics - Animation, 12h, Ensimag 3rd year, Grenoble INP
PhD: Cédric Cagniart, Motion Capture of Deformable Surfaces in Multi-View Studios, Université de Grenoble, supervised by Edmond Boyer and Slobodan Ilic, 16/07/12, [1] .
PhD: Estelle Duveau, Motion Measurement of Small Vertebrates, Université de Grenoble, supervised by Lionel Reveret and Edmond Boyer, 03/12/12, non publically released, patent pending.
PhD: Antoine Letouzey, Modélisation 4D à partir de plusieurs caméras, Universitè de Grenoble, supervised by Edmond Boyer, 30/07/12, [2] .
PhD in progress : Benjamin Allain, Geometry and Appearance Analysis of Deformable 3D shapes, Université de Grenoble, started 01/10/2012, supervised by J.-S. Franco and E. Boyer.
PhD in progress : Benjamin Aupetit, Géométrie différentielle discrète et analyse spectrale de maillages spatio-temporels, Université de Grenoble, started 01/10/2011, supervised by Edmond Boyer and Franck Hètroy.
PhD in progress: Simon Courtemanche, Caractérisation des Mouvements en Escalade Sportive par Mesure Video, Université de Grenoble, started 01/10/2010, supervised by Lionel Reveret and Edmond Boyer.
PhD in progress : Abdelaziz Djelouah, Gesture Interfaces, Technicolor-Université de Grenoble, started 01/04/2011, supervised by J.-S. Franco, E. Boyer, F. Leclerc et P. Perez.
PhD in progress : Vagia Tsiminaki, Appearance Modelling and Time Refinement in 3D Videos, Université de Grenoble, started 01/10/2012, supervised by J.-S. Franco and E. Boyer.