Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams
Participants : Alexandra Carpen-Amarie, Christine Morin.
See also:
The goal of the Associated team is to study massive data management in cloud based service infrastructures. In this context, the Myriads team is involved in a study aiming at the integration of the BlogSeer large scale storage system in XtreemOS distributed system in a vision where XtreemOS is used for the management of IaaS clouds.
Participation In International Programs
Since September 2011, Christine Morin has been an affiliate at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory working in the Advanced Computing for Science (ACS) department of the Computational Research Division (CRD) headed by Deb Agarwal. She is actively engaged in three research collaborations with ACS personnel including data management frameworks for scientific applications in cloud environments (with Lavanya Ramakrishnan), use of data-mining and machine-learning techniques to improve resource and failure management in large-scale infrastructures (with Taghrid Samak), and providing community access to MODIS Satellite Reprojection and Reduction Pipeline and Data Sets [30] (with Valerie Hendrix and Lavanya Ramakrishnan). During her 2-year sabbatical visit at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Christine Morin is the scientific manager of the Inria@SiliconValley program [54] . Deb Agarwal visited Myriads team in May 2012. The Dalhis associate team proposal was submitted in September 2012.