Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Leadership, Steering Committees and community service
- C. Morin
is general co-chair for IEEE ISPA 2013, co-chair of track 4 on Storage, Big Data, and Cloud Computing of IEEE GreenCom 2013, tutorial chair for IEEE Cluster 2014 and the organizer of a BOF session on interoperability in cloud federations for scientific applications at SC'12 (November 2012).
- A.-C. Orgerie
is publication co-chair for ICPP 2013, demonstration chair for EE-LSDS 2013 ( ) and general co-chair for ExtremeGreen 2013 (workshop in conjunction with CCGrid 2013 ).
- T. Priol
is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics and of the International Journal of Web Services Research. He chaired the organization committee the Let's imagine the Future seminar organized for Jean-Pierre Banâtre's retirement celebration, November 8-9, Rennes, France.
- J.-L. Pazat
is the chairman of the Steering Committee of RenPar ( ).
- C. Tedeschi
is a member of the steering committee of the ComPAS (RenPar/SympA/CFSE) joint conference series.
Program Committees
- R. Cascella
is a program committee member of Q2SWinet 2012 (8th ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks), IEEE VTC 2013 spring track "Wireless Networks, Access Control, and Resource Management", IEEE VTC 2013 fall track "Wireless Networks and Security".
- Y. Jégou
is a program committee member of IEEE TrustCom 2013 conference, and ORMaCloud workshop co-located with ACM HPDC 2013.
- C. Morin
is a program committee member of IEEE CC-GRID 2012, EuroPar 2012, IEEE CloudCom 2012, the International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC) 2012 and 2013, the 4th workshop on scientific computing (ScienceCloud) and of the 4th workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing (VTDC) co-located with ACM HPDC in 2013, CFSE 2013, CLOSER 2013, and IEEE CC-GRID 2013.
- A.-C. Orgerie
is a program committee member of E2HPC2 2013, HSNCE 2013 and EE-LSDS 2013.
- J.-L. Pazat
is a program committee member of RenPar'21, GPC2012, CPC2012.
- G. Pierre
is a program committee member of CCGrid 2013, CFSE 2013, IC2E 2013, SAC 2013, DAIS 2013, CSCS19, CloudDP 2013 and ISPDC 2013.
- T. Priol
is a program committee member of CCGRID12, CLOUD12, CloudCom12, HPCS12, ICPP12, SC12 and VECPAR12. He will act as one of the co-chairs of the “Grids and Clouds” track of SC13.
- C. Tedeschi
is a program committee member of ICCS 2013, CloSer 2013 and RenPar'21
Evaluation committees, consulting
- J.-P. Banâtre
was the Inria representative in the Contrail General Assembly until September 2012. Since October 2012, he has been a member of the Contrail Scientific Advisory Board.
- Y. Jégou
- Y. Jégou
is a member of the Comité de Sélection et de Validation (CSV) of the Images & Réseaux cluster
- C. Morin
acted as an expert to review proposals for the French Research Agency (ANR). She is a member of the cloud computing expert group in the Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures unit of the European Commission. She was a member of the committee for the Inria Boost Your Code competition. She is a member of the ModaCloud European project Advisory Board.
- J.-L. Pazat
is the coordinator for the evaluation of submissions to international bilateral programs in the Information technology domain at Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR).
- T. Priol
has been the Inria representative in the Contrail General Assembly since October 2012. He was a member of the Contrail Scientific Advisory Board until September 2012.
Conferences, seminars, invitations
- Roberto Cascella
gave presentation Leveraging Contrail to support reliable IoT based applications at the 4th EU-Japan Symposium on the "New Generation Network" and the "Future Internet", January 19, 2012, Tokyo Japan;
- Roberto Cascella
gave talk Contrail: A reliable and trustworthy cloud platform at the 1st European Workshop on Dependable Cloud Computing, EWDCC'2012, May 8 2012, Sibiu, Romania;
- Roberto Cascella
gave talk The future of the Cloud at the Contrail Summerschool, July 23, 2012, Almere, The Netherlands;
- Roberto Cascella
was invited to give talk The Cloud and the Contrail project: open computing infrastructures for elastic services at Politecnico di Bari, September 5, 2012, Bari, Italy;
- Roberto Cascella and Yvon Jégou
presented the Contrail project on the Contrail booth during the Journée professionnelle Cloud Computing - MEITO, Inria -Rennes, december 11;
- Roberto Cascella
was invited to give talk Contrail: A trustworthy cloud platform providing interoperability at Seconda Università di Napoli, December 19, 2012, Aversa, Italy;
- Eugen Feller
presented a demonstration entitled Snooze : un système auto-organisant pour la gestion de l'énergie dans les clouds at the Sciences Numériques et efficacité énergétique Inria industry meeting, Grenoble, France, March 2012.
- Eugen Feller
gave a talk entitled Scalable, Autonomic, and Energy-Aware Management of Large-Scale Cloud Infrastructures, at COST IC0804 Energy and QoS-aware Workload Management in Clouds focus group meeting, Rennes, France, March 2012.
- Eugen Feller
gave a talk entitled Energy Management in IaaS Clouds: A Holistic Approach at EDF R&D (SINETICS department), Paris, France, April 2012.
- Eugen Feller
gave a talk entitled Autonomic and Energy-Efficient Management of Large-Scale Virtualized Infrastructures in the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory CS seminar, Berkeley California, USA, August 2012.
- Piyush Harsh and Yvon Jégou
presented the Contrail VEP on the Inria booth during the "Solutions Linux" event in Paris, June 19-21, 2012;
- Ancuta Iordache
presented a talk entitle Elastic MapReduce on multiple clouds at the EIT ICT Labs RMAC kick-off meeting in Delft, February 20, 2012;
- Ancuta Iordache
gave a talk entitled Elastic MapReduce on Cloud Federations at the EIT Cloud workshop in Paris, November 29, 2012;
- Yvon Jégou
gave a talk The benefits of mixing grid and cloud workloads for genomics at the "Workshop on Science Applications and Infrastructure in Clouds and Grids" held in conjunction with OGF 34, March 15-16, 2012, Oxford, UK;
- Yvon Jégou
gave a talk about Contrail Virtual Execution Platform at the "EIT ICT Labs - Contrail workshop", March 19, Paris;
- Yvon Jégou
gave a talk on Interoperability in Cloud Federations and participated to the panel discussion during the "Future Internet Assembly" meeting, May 10-11 2012, Aalborg, Denmark;
- Yvon Jégou
gave a talk entitled The Need of Interoperability between Clouds during the "2nd FIA roadmapping workshop", June 26, 2012, Bruxelles;
- Yvon Jégou
gave talk Contrail: Open Computing Infrastructures for Elastic Services during the "IoS Collaboration Days", October 16-18, 2012, Bruxelles;
- Yvon Jégou
gave a talk Interoperability support in cloud federations: Contrail approach based on Virtual Execution Platforms at the "Interoperability in Scientific Cloud Federations" Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions, SC'12, Salt Lake City, November 13, 2012;
- Yvon Jégou, Piyush Harsh and Christine Morin
presented Contrail software stack on Contrail European project booth at SC'12, Salt Lake City, November 12-15, 2012.
- Christine Morin
gave a talk Contrail: Elastic PaaS Services over Federated IaaS Clouds by visio-conference for participants in the ATLAS experiment at CERN, February 2, 2012.
- Christine Morin
gave a talk by visio-conference on Cloud Computing research activities in Rennes at the EIT ICT Labs meeting organized for W. Jonker's visit in Rennes, February 28, 2013.
- Christine Morin
was invited to give a seminar entitled Elastic Services on top of Cloud Federations: Contrail Approach at ORNL and at the Tennessee Technical University in March 2012.
- Christine Morin
gave a talk entitled Elastic Services on top of Cloud Federations: Contrail Approach at Google, Mountain View, April 23, 2012.
- Christine Morin
presented Myriads project-team research activities at the Inria evaluatio seminar for the "Distributed Systems and Services" theme, October 9, 2012.
- Christine Morin
gave a talk entitled Cloud in San Francisco Bay Area at the CLASS conference, Bled, Slovenia, October 24, 2012.
- Christine Morin
gave a talk entitled Work in Progress on Cloud Computing in Myriads Team and Contrail European Project at the the eighth workshop of the Joint Laboratory for Petascale Computing, Argonne National Laboratory, November 20, 2012.
- Christine Morin
gave a talk entitled Destination Inria for researchers! at the Destination Europe conference, San Francisco, December 7, 2013.
- Anne-Cécile Orgerie
gave a talk Energy-efficiency in Cloud infrastructures in Myriads team at the COST IC0804-IC0805 joint meeting in Cork, Ireland, October 18, 2012;
- Anne-Cécile Orgerie
gave a talk ECOFEN: an End-to-end energy Cost mOdel and simulator For Evaluating power consumption in large-scale Networks at the COST IC0804 meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, November 6;
Administrative Responsibilities
- Christine Morin
is a member of the Project-Team Committee of Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique (Comité des projets), Référent Chercheur for Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique , Coordinator of the Inria@Silicon Valley program (in collaboration with Inria DRI), member of the scientific council of ENS Cachan. She is the coordinator of Contrail European project.
- Nikos Parlavantzas
is the local coordinator for the international exchange of students at the computer science department of Insa.
- Jean-Louis Pazat
is the leader of the “Large Scale Systems” department of IRISA. He is member of the Steering committee (conseil d'administration) of Insa Rennes. He is a member of the Computer Science Department committee and member of the IRISA-INSA Lab committe. He is the local coordinator for the international exchange of students at the computer science department of Insa.
- Thierry Priol
is the director of the Inria European Partnership department.
- Cédric Tedeschi
is a member of the administration council of the EECS departement of the University of Rennes 1.