Section: Software
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SAFDIS (Self Adaptation for Distributed Services) is a generic framework allowing the self-adaptation of distributed service based applications within a highly volatile context. Compared to other adaptation frameworks, the main advantages of SAFDIS are its genericity, its distributed nature and the focus on SOAs. SAFDIS is in its final implementation and testing phase within the Myriads team and is being used with a real life use case for emergency services.
The current implementation of SAFDIS is based on a Java OSGi implementation. SAFDIS is written in Java and organized into OSGi bundles. SAFDIS is not tight to any specific operating system and work within any JAVA 1.6 platform. An OSGi implementation is needed (such as the Apache Felix or Equinox implementations). In order to benefit from the reactive adaptation tools, the Jess engine is also needed as an OSGi bundle ( ).
- Active contributors (from Myriads project-team):