Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
VOLHAND (VOLant pour personne âgée et/ou HANDicapée) is a project funded by the ANR (National Research agency). This project, started in October 2009, is a result of collaboration between C. Canudas de Wit and Franck Quaine/Violaine Cahouët (from the biomechanical team of GIPSA-Lab). The project aims at developing a new generation of Electrical power-assisted steering specifically designed for disabled and aged people. Our contribution is to work out new assisted laws that accomodate to the specific mechanical characteristics of this particular driver population. The consortium is composed by: LAMIH, CHRU, Fondation Hopale, GIPSA-Lab, INRETS and JTEKT. More information can be found on-line: .
The MOCoPo project (Measuring and mOdelling traffic COngestion and POllution) is funded by the French Ministry in charge of Transport (MEDDTL), through the PREDIT (Research and Innovation in Land Transport Program). The project began in January 2011 and will end up in December 2013. Various research institutes and universities, some teams of the MEDDTL and pollution measurements associations are involved in the project: LICIT (Transport and Traffic Engineering Laboratory, joint unit of IFSTTAR and ENTPE), LTE (Transports and Environment Laboratory, IFSTTAR), LEPSIS (Laboratory for Road Operations, Perception, Simulators and Simulations, IFSTTAR), IM (Infrastructures and Mobility Department, IFSTTAR), MACS (Monitoring, Assessment, Computational Sciences, IFSTTAR), Inria-NECS, Atmo Rhône Alpes, DIR-CE (Center-East Direction of Roads), LRPC Angers (Regional Laboratory of Angers), CERTU (Center for Cities and Urban Transportation), and CEREA (Center of Teaching and Research in Atmospheric Environment, laboratory Ecole des Ponts ParisTech / EDF Research and Development). NeCS is particularly involved in tasks devoted to travel time estimation and prediction. For this purpose one post-doc (Fabio Morbidi) has been recently hired. More information can be found on-line: .