Section: Overall Objectives
Highlights of the Year
Our best results of the year appeared in extremely visible and selective venues: automated recommendation of materialized XML views in ACM SIGMOD conference [18] , XML query-update independence [6] and RDF materialized view selection in the VLDB 2012 conference, and scalable duplicate detection in IEEE TKDE [8] .
On the national scientific stage, our team has invested significant effort in the recently accepted LabEx DigiCosme proposal, where I. Manolescu is coordinating the “Scalable and secure data management” task, and in the national database conference where I. Manolescu has been the Program Committee chair, while Nicole Bidoit and François Goasdoué were part of the Program Committee.
Significant prototype development effort was invested in particular leading to the ACM CIKM Amada [10] and Nautilus [15] software demonstrations.