Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
The ANR Codex project (Coordination, dynamicity and efficiency for XML, 2009-2012) has ended; the final review has taken place in Lyon in January 2012. The project was coordinated by Ioana Manolescu; Nicole Bidoit, Dario Colazzo and François Goasdoué also participated.
The ANR DataBridges project (Data integration for digital cities, 2011-2012) has ended; the final review has taken place in Paris in September 2012. The project was coordinated by Ioana Manolescu; François Goasdoué also participated.
The ANR ConnectedCities project (Clouds for digital cities, 2011-2012) has ended; the final review has taken place in Paris in September 2012. Dario Colazzo, François Goasdoué and Ioana Manolescu have participated to the project.
The ANR DataRing project (Massive data management in peer-to-peer, 2009-2012) has ended; the final review has taken place in Lyon in January 2012. Ioana Manolescu has participated to the project.