Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Event organization

  • J. Vuillemin is member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the National ICT Australia.

  • J. Vuillemin chairs the Scientific Advisory Board of the national Institute for InfoCom Research I2R in Singapore.

  • F. Zappa Nardelli is member of the “comité executif” of the CEA-EDF-Inria summer schools.

  • F. Zappa Nardelli served in the POPL 2012 ERC.

  • F. Zappa Nardelli is member of the "comité de suivi doctoral" de l'Inria Saclay.

  • A. Cohen is the General Chair of the 7th HiPEAC conference, January 2012. Louis Mandel is member of the local arrangements committee. The conference pionneered a new “journal first” publication model, and has been completely reorganized into a large networking event with 27 parallel events, an industry exhibit with 50 companies booths and posters, and a European project exhibit with 46 projects from the computing systems, embedded systems strategic objectives of the FP7 and from the FET programme. 516 registered participants, 34 ACM TACO journal papers presented (the record number for previous HiPEAC conferences was 210 participants).

  • M. Pouzet is in charge, with Catherine Dubois (IIE CNAM, Evry) of the national research group LTP (Language, Types, Proofs) of the French GDR GLP (“Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel”). Two meetings a year with three invited speakers.

  • M. Pouzet organised 18th edition of SYNCHRON (http://synchron2011.di.ens.fr ), the workshop on Synchronous Programming and Applications, in Dec. 2011 in Damaries-les-lys. We got the record track of 80 participants and a special half-day devoted to synchronous programming for music applications with collegues from IRCAM.

Editorial boards

Program committees

  • M. Pouzet is a member of the program committee of the following conferences: Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE 2012); Embedded Software (EMSOFT 2012); Complex Systems Design & Management (CSD&M) 2012; Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels (AFADL 2012); ACM Conf. on the Principles and Applications of Declarative Programming (PADL 2012), located with POPL;

  • M. Pouzet is an expert reviewer for the Design Automation Conference (DAC) in 2012 and 2013.

  • A. Cohen is the chair of the DAC 2013 ESS1 TPC subcommittee, and was the co-chair of the DAC 2012 ESS1&2 TPC subcommittee.

  • A. Cohen is the program chair of ETAPS CC 2014.

  • A. Cohen is a member of the program committee of the following conferences: ICS 2012, ETAPS CC 2013, PPoPP 2013 external review committee.

  • A. Cohen is the co-general chair of the ICPP-EMS 2013 workshop (with ICPP).

  • A. Cohen is a member of the program committee of the following workshops: IMPACT 2012 and 2013 (with HiPEAC), HiRES 2013 (with HiPEAC), GPGPU 2012 and 2013 (with ASPLOS), COSMIC 2013 (with CGO), PLC 2012 and 2013 (with IPDPS), ICPP-EMS 2012 (with ICPP).

  • L. Mandel, member of the program committee of the Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA 2012).

Invited Presentations

  • A. Cohen was a keynote speaker at the IMPACT 2013 workshop (with HiPEAC) “Adopt a Polyhedral Compiler!”, July 2011.

  • A. Cohen gave an invited presentation at AMD Bangalore titled “Languages and Compilers for Productivity and Efficiency”, June 2012.

  • A. Cohen gave a Priti Shankar seminar at the Indian Institute of Science, CSA department, titled “Polyhedral Compilation Off the Beaten Path”, June 2012.

  • M. Pouzet gave an invited presentation at the Int. Conference on Complex Systems, Design & Management (CSDM), Dec. 2011.

  • M. Pouzet gave an invited presentation at the “Séminaire MaMux”, IRCAM, Paris. Feb. 2012.