Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

September, 27 - October, 3, Peter Sewell (U. Cambridge) visited the Parkas team for collaboration with F. Zappa Nardelli and R. Morisset.

October, 6-13, Mike Hicks (U. Maryland) visited the Département d'informatique of the ENS.

January, 18-20, P. Sadayappan (Ohio State U.) visited the team to work with Tobias Grosser and Sven Verdoolaege. Similar visits took place in July and December.

June-July 2013. Stephen Edwards (Columbia U.) was invited by ENS to spend a month in the team.


January-July, Pankaj Pawan (IIT Kanpur) was intern student (M2) under the supervision of F. Zappa Nardelli.

May-September, Robin Morisset (ENS Ulm) was intern student (M2) under the supervision of F. Zappa Nardelli.

May-September, Fran cois Gindraud (ENS Ulm) was intern student (M2) under the supervision of A. Cohen.

December 2011-November 2012, Mehdi Dogguy was post-doc funded by the ANR Partout grant. Mehdi Dogguy worked on the static analysis of ReactiveML programs and was supervised by L. Mandel.

April-July 2012, Cyprien Lecourt (École Polytechnique) was intern student (M1) under the supervision of M. Pouzet.

April-September 2012, Guillaume Baudart (École normale supérieure de Cachan) was intern student (M2) under the supervision of M. Pouzet. Guillaume was a student from IRCAM and the supervision was joint with Florent Jacquemart (Inria Paris-Rocquencourt and IRCAM).

Visits to International Teams

Louis Mandel spent 7 weeks in the team of Vijay Saraswat at IBM T.J. Watson. He worked on the type system of the X10 language.

Albert Cohen and Tobias Grosser visited Prof. Uday Bondhugula at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), CSA department, for 4 days and 2 weeks, respectively. Tobias Grosser gave a lecture/tutorial on optimizing compilation in LLVM to IISc students and AMD engineers.