Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

  • Our first user experiments in the domain of digital assistance:

    • Experimental evaluation of a digital assistance for school inclusion of autistic children (first deployment in the Gérard Philipe College in Pessac from September 2012),

    • Need analysis and pre-evaluation of DiaSuiteBox with 80 elderly persons, in collaboration with the UDCCAS Gironde (Union Départementale des Centres Communaux d'Action Sociale) managing elderly care and the “Université du Temps Libre” in Bordeaux,

    • Experimental evaluation of a cognitive assistance for supporting the autonomy of persons with intellectual disabilities, in collaboration with the TSA Chair of UQTR (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières).

    These experiments are supervised by Hélène Sauzéon, a researcher in Cognitive Science member of the PHOENIX project-team, on leave from the University of Bordeaux 2 since September 2012.

  • The DiaSuiteBox project has been accepted to the startup accelerator program “Le Camping” in Toulouse. This program allows 6 startup projects to be mentored by experienced entrepreneurs during 6 months.

  • Five articles accepted in top-ranked journals (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Visual Languages and Computing, 2 Software Practice and Experience, and Science of Computer Programming).