Section: Scientific Foundations
Polynomial system solving is a fundamental problem in Computer Algebra with many applications in cryptography, robotics, biology, error correcting codes, signal theory, .... Among all available methods for solving polynomial systems, computation of Gröbner bases remains one of the most powerful and versatile method since it can be applied in the continuous case (rational coefficients) as well as in the discrete case (finite fields). Gröbner bases is also a building blocks for higher level algorithms who compute real sample points in the solution set of polynomial systems, decide connectivity queries and quantifier elimination over the reals. The major challenge facing the designer or the user of such algorithms is the intrinsic exponential behaviour of the complexity for computing Gröbner bases. The current proposal is an attempt to tackle these issues in a number of different ways: improve the efficiency of the fundamental algorithms (even when the complexity is exponential), develop high performance implementation exploiting parallel computers, and investigate new classes of structured algebraic problems where the complexity drops to polynomial time.