Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Laurent Boudin

    • Member of the Board of Mathematics Licence (EFU de Licence de mathématiques), UPMC.

    • Co-organizer of the monthly workgroup “Humaniste” focusing on mathematics applied to humanities, alternatively taking place at UPMC, UP7D and Orléans and jointly handled by LJLL, MAPMO and CAMS.

  • Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela

    • Member of the Postdocs Selection Committee, Inria Paris-Rocquencourt, 2012

  • Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau

    • Member of the editorial boards of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering (IJNMBE), Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics.

    • Service activity at Inria: Délégué Scientifique / Chairman of the project-teams' committee of Inria Paris-Rocquencourt research center; Member of the evaluation committee of Inria

    • Service activity in Universities: Member of the Mathematics Faculty Concil of University P. & M. Curie Paris 6 (conseil de l'UFR 929); member of the scientific committee of the Faculty of Science, University Versailles Saint-Quentin; member of the Reference Committee of the PhD program Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering (Politecnico di Milano, Italy);

  • Céline Grandmont

    • Member of the CNU 26 (2011–2015)

  • Elisa Schenone

    • Co-organizer of the monthly Junior Seminar of Inria Paris-Rocquencourt

  • Marc Thiriet

    • President of thematic comittee CT3 (Biomedical Simulation and Applications to Health) of GENCI (Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif – National Large Equipement for Intensive Computation)

    • PRACE peer review staff member (Panel 4 [Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life Sciences])

    • Member of the Mechanical Engineering Evaluation Group of the Canadian Granting Agency NSERC

    • Member of the Scientific Committee of the PME DiscInNet

  • Marina Vidrascu

    • Member of the Postdocs Selection Committee, Inria Paris-Rocquencourt, 2011

  • Irène Vignon-Clementel

    • Organizing the monthly seminar at Inria Paris-Rocquencourt on “modeling and scientific computing”

    • Inria: member of the “Conseil d'orientation scientifique et technologique” (scientific and technologic orientation council) of l'Inria, in the subgroup “GT Actions Incitatives” (incentive action working group), PhD grant committee

    • Mediator between PhD students and their supervisors for Inria Paris-Rocquencourt

    • Coordinator of the associated team CARDIO between REO and Prof. Taylor's lab at Stanford University, USA and colleagues both at Inria and in the USA (2008-present)


  • Grégory Arbia

    • Poster, 3rd annual conference on engineering frontiers in pediatric and congenital heart disease, Stanford University, May 2012.

    • Seminar, Laboratoire de Mathématiques appliquées, Univ. Paris 5, June 2012.

  • Cristóbal Bertoglio Beltran

    • Contributed talk at 10th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, April 11- 14th, 2012, Berlin, Germany

  • Laurent Boudin

    • Seminar, Mapmo, Univ. Orléans, France, February 2012.

    • Seminar, ACSIOM, Univ. Montpellier-II, France, March 2012.

    • Seminar, LAGA, Univ. Paris-Nord, France, March 2012.

    • Colloquium, MAP5, Univ. Paris-Descartes, France, June 2012.

    • Contributed talk, HYP'2012, Padova, Italy, June 2012.

  • Muriel Boulakia

    • Seminar, Univ. Metz, march 2012

    • Seminar, Univ. Paris-sud, may 2012

    • Invited speaker, Workshop Control of fluid-structure systems,Toulouse, june 2012

    • Invited speaker, Congrès Random Models in Neurosciences, Paris, july 2012

    • Evaluation talk, AERES evaluation, november 2012

  • Paul Cazeaux

    • Seminar, REO team, Inria Paris-Rocquencourt, April 2012

    • Poster, CANUM 2012, Superbesse, Mai 2012

    • Contributed talk, ECCOMAS conference, Vienna, Austria, September 2012

    • Seminar, Homogenization and multiple scales, UPMC Paris 6, November 2012

    • PhD students Seminar, LJLL, UPMC Paris 6, November 2012

  • Cesare Corrado

    • Contributed talk at Bioengineering 2012, Oxford, 6-7 September 2012 ( with J-F. Gerbeau, P. Moireau),

  • Anne-Claire Egloffe

    • PASI-CIPPDE 2012, Inverse problems and PDE control. Santiago, Chili, January 2012.

    • Seminar, University of Besano̧n, May, 2012.

    • Seminar, Institut Elie Cartan, Nancy, May, 2012.

  • Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela

    • Seminar, Basque Country University, March 12, Bilbao, Spain

    • Seminar, Weierstrass Institute, April 19, Berlin, Germany

    • Invited talk at minisymposium, CANUM 2012, May 21-25, Superbesse, France

    • Keynote speaker at minisymposium, ECCOMAS 2012, September 10-14, 2012, Vienna, Austria

    • Seminar, University of Besano̧n, September, 2012, France

    • Seminar, University of Granada, October 16, 2012, Spain

    • Seminar, University of Sevilla, October 17, 2012, Spain

    • Seminar, University of Zaragoza, October 18, 2012, Spain

    • Seminar, Polytechnic University of Madrid, October 19, 2012, Spain

  • Justine Fouchet-Incaux

    • Contributed talk Rencontres doctorales de l’IMREDD, Institut Mé diterranéen du Risque, de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable, Nice, oct. 2012

    • PhD students seminar, Orsay, nov. 2012

    • CEMRACS'12, Marseille, juil. 2012

  • Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau

    • Invited conference, Rencontre iDySCo (Institut Dynamique des Systèmes Complexes), Villard de Lans, January 9-10, 2012

    • Invited conference, Printemps de la cardiologie, Bordeaux, April 12-13, 2012

    • Invited conference, 1st Usergroup Workshop of the Notocord company, Paris, June 7-8, 2012

    • Invited conference, CECAM Workshop: Reduced Order Methods for modeling and computational reduction, Switzerland, May 14-16, 2012

    • Invited minisymposium talk, UK Bioengineering conference, Oxford, September 24-25, 2012

    • Seminar, Journée Calcul Scientifique et Modélisation Mathématique d’Amiens, 2012

    • Seminar, Groupe Medisys, Philips, Jan 3, 2012

  • Céline Grandmont

    • Invited speaker, Journées MIRES EDP, October 2012

    • Plenary conference, XIème colloque franco-roumain de mathématiques appliquées, August 2012

    • Invited speaker, Workshop Control of fluid-structure systems and inverse problems, June 2012

    • Plenary conference, CANUM 2012, Super Besse, May 2012

    • Seminar, Lyon, January 2012

  • Bérenice Grec

    • Seminar, Applied Mathematics, Univ. Blaise Pascal, March 15, 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France

    • Journée Mathématiques et Biologie du PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité, April 5, 2012, Paris, France

    • Seminar, PDEs, Univ. Strasbourg, June 19, 2012, Strasbourg, France

  • Sébastien Martin

    • Poster, Congrès National de Physiologie Pharmacologie et Thérapeutique, Dijon 2012

    • Seminar, DAMTP: Applied and Computational Analysis, University of Cambridge, UK, 2012

    • Contributed talk, CANUM 2012, Superbesse, France.

    • Contributed talk, Softflow 2012: Biological complex fluids, Cargèse, 2012.

    • Invited talk, Workshop on Complexity in Fluid Mechanics, Vienna, Austria 2012.

  • Ayman Moussa

    • Contributed talk at the Spring School on Kinetic Theory and Fluid Mechanics, March 26- 30th 2012 Université Claude Bernard, Lyon.

    • Workshop on Kinetic Equations, 21th June 2012, ENS Cachan

  • Elisa Schenone

    • Poster, CANUM 2012, Superbesse, May 2012

    • CEMRACS 2012, Cirm-Marseille, 16/07-24/08, 2012

  • Saverio Smaldone

    • Contributed talk 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2012) 8 -13 July 2012, São Paulo, Brazil

    • Contributed talk 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012) 10-14 September 2012, University of Vienna, Austria.

    • Seminar, Inria-Rocquencourt, November 20th, Le Chesnay, France

  • Marc Thiriet

    • Plenary Conference, CMMBE 2012, 10th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 11–14 april 2012, Berlin, Germany

    • Contributed talk International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) Symposium on Particle Methods in Fluid Mechanics, October 15–17, 2012 Lyngby, Denmark (with Chatelin R, Poncet P, Didier A, Murris-Espin M, Anne-Archard D)

    • Contributed talk 12TH International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, , 10–13 June, 2012, Heidelberg, Germany, (with Maxim A. Solovchuk, Tony W. H. Sheu)

  • Marina Vidrascu

    • Contributed talk 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2012) 8 -13 July 2012, São Paulo, Brazil

    • Invited conference, XIème colloque franco-roumain de mathématiques appliquées, August 2012

    • Contributed talk 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, 25-29 June, Inria Rennes-Bretagne

    • Seminar, Univ Caen (France)

  • Irène Vignon-Clementel

    • Seminar, Mathematical modeling in Medicine workshop, Laboratoire de Mathématique, March 12th 2012, U. Versailles Saint Quentin, France

    • Invited lecture at the Spring school 2012 on systems biology, March 30th 2012, HelmholzZentrum München, Germany

    • Contributed talk, 10th International Symposium on Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, April 11th-14th, Berlin, Germany

    • Invited poster, 3rd International Conference on Engineering Frontiers in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease, May 1rst-2nd 2012, Stanford University, USA

    • Invited talk, BIS'2012 workshop, May 22nd, Paris, France

    • Contributed talk co-authored N. Jagiella and D. Drasdo, SBMC conference, July 9th-11th, Leipzig, Germany

    • Invited keynote at a minisymposium, ECCOMAS, 10th-14th September, Vienna, Austria [cancelled due to personal reasons]

    • Invited talk, Cancersys kickoff meeting, PI presentation of Lungsys consortium, October 8th-9th 2012, Heidelberg, Germany

    • Seminar, Laboratoire Jacques Louis Lions, Paris 6 UPMC, November 19th, 2012, France