Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Raymond Namyst is vice-chair of the Research and Training Department in Mathematics and Computer Science (UFR Math-Info) of the University of Bordeaux 1. He is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the University of Bordeaux 1

Raymond Namyst is the head of the LaBRI-CNRS “SATANAS” (Runtime systems and algorithms for high performance numerical applications) research team (about. 50 people) that includes the Bacchus , Hiepacs , Phoenix and Runtime Inria groups.

Raymond Namyst chairs the scientific committee of the ANR “Numerical Models” program for the 2011-2013 period.

Raymond Namyst was the coordinator of the chapter about runtime systems within the “Software Eco-System” Workgroup of EESI (European Exascale Software Initiative).

Raymond Namyst serves as an expert for the following initiatives/institutions:

  • EESI (European Exascale Software Initiative, since 2010) ;

  • CEA/DAM (as a “scientific expert” for the 2008-2012 period) ;

  • CEA-EDF-Inria School technical committee (since 2009) ;

  • GENCI (http://www.genci.fr/?lang=en , since 2009) ;

Raymond Namyst was a program committee member of the following international conferences: SC'12, MSEPT 2012, ROSS 2012, ISPA 2012, CASS 2012.

Raymond Namyst gave invited talks at the following international workshops: CCDSC'12 (Dareizé), COMPEEF'12 (Grenoble), Torrents'12 (Toulouse), FGPS'175 (Mons).

Samuel Thibault was a program committee member of the following conferences: IPDPS 2013, Renpar 2013

Brice Goglin was a program committee member of SC'12 technical program and posters, Hot Interconnect 2012 and EuroMPI 2012. He was also a member of the SC'12 ACM Student Research Competition jury.

Guillaume Mercier was program committee member of EuroMPI 2012, ICPADS 2012 and CCGrid 2012. He was also a reviewer for the IEEE TPDS and FGCS journals.

Olivier Aumage was reviewer for the IEEE TPDS journal and for the SC12, IPDPS 2012, ROSS, DATE 2013 and RenPar/Compas conference and workshops. He is part of the Inria Bordeaux – Sud-Ouest committee for scientific event fundings.

Emmanuel Jeannot was program committee member for: ISPA 2012, HPDC 2012, PDGC 2012, HiPC 2012, Heteropar 2012, renpar 21, Realis-01, CCGrid2013 and IPDPS 2013.

Emmanuel Jeannot is member of the steering committee of Euro-Par and Cluster.

Emmanuel Jeannot is associate editor of the International Journal of Parallel and Emergent Distributed Systems.

Emmanuel Jeannot was reviewer for the following journals: JPDC, IEEE TPDS, CEJCS.

Emmanuel Jeannot has given an invited talk and CCDSC 2012 (Darize, France), the 7th scheduling workshop (Pittsburgh USA), CCMSE 2012 (La Manga, Spain), and the Inria-Joint-Lab meeting at Argonne National Lab.